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Map of the week - European Macro-Regional Strategies

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15th of September is World Clean-up Day. On this day millions of volunteers unite to clean up the world! The initiative started 10 years ago in Estonia and it motivated people around the world to raise awareness of the need to reduce global waste and to implement long-lasting changes around the globe.

At the same time, the EU has been endorsing Macro-Regional Strategies, policy frameworks, to support countries located in the same region to jointly address common challenges or to capitalise on their combined strengths.

To date four EU Macro-Regional Strategies have been adopted so far, covering several policy areas. The European Atlas of the Seas’ map presents these strategies for the Baltic Sea Region, the Danube Region, the Adriatic and Ionian Region and the Alpine Region.  The EU strategy for the Baltic Sea Region, for instance, has among its objectives to protect the sea by reducing the use and impact of hazardous substances.

Each region coordinates with neighbouring countries in order to join forces for a common cause. The idea behind the Macro-Regional Strategies is similar to that behind the World Clean-up Day initiative: together we are stronger and can achieve more, for the well-being of the planet and society.


You will find the map here:;p=w;bkgd=5;theme=456:0.75;c=1253866.2175874896,7033312.21824701;z=4


The data shown in this map are provided by the European Commission.