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Map of the Week – European Maritime Day

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This year, European Maritime Day (EMD) will take place on 30-31 May in Svendborg (Denmark) at the SIMAC Academy- Svendborg International Maritime Academy. Established in 2008, European Maritime Day is the annual European Union meeting point on maritime affairs and sustainable blue growth. EMD is a two-day event during which Europe’s maritime community meet to network, discuss and outline joint action on maritime affairs and the sustainable blue economy. It connects policy makers, scientists, industry and society through high-level plenary and thematic sessions, workshops and an  exhibition area. EMD targets professionals from businesses, governments, public institutions, NGOs and academia as well as European citizens interested in the Sea. EMD 2024 is being organised by the European Commission, the Municipality of Svendborg and the Danish Maritime Authority. Dive into the Map of the Week to see in which cities EMD has been organised in past years and where it will take place in the coming years!

Amongst the many workshops that will be organised at EMD, the following workshops will respectively focus on marine data and ocean literacy:

  • The European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet), which powers the European Atlas of the Seas, will be co-organising a workshop titled ‘EMODnet & the Blue Economy Observatory: Synergies’ with the European Blue Economy Observatory and the European Environment Agency (EEA); and
  • The EU4Ocean Coalition on ocean literacy will be organising a workshop titled ‘How can Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) host & support ocean literacy for all’?

Both EMODnet and the EU4Ocean Coalition will also have a stand at the exhibition where participants will be able to further discover the work of EMODnet and the EU4Ocean Coalition and discuss topics of interest.

As in previous years, the EU4Ocean MakeEUBlue Awards Ceremony will be taking place at the EMD. The MakeEUBlue Awards recognise innovative and outstanding initiatives in the field of ocean literacy in Europe.

In addition to the EMD conference and exhibition in Svendborg, events will take place across Europe from 1 April until 31 October 2024 in the framework of European Maritime Day In My Country 2024. European Maritime Day In My Country events aim to raise awareness about the importance of the ocean and seas and to engage the public, particularly young people. These events are the public side of European Maritime Day.  Since the first edition in 2018, the number of European Maritime Day in My Country events has increased significantly, with a wide range of activities such as beach clean-ups, guided tours, art exhibitions, workshops, and conferences.  In 2023, 494 events were organised in 31 countries, both in the European Union (EU) and outside the EU.  Have a look at the programme for European Maritime Day In My Country in 2024 and the new related map layer in the Atlas and stay tuned for further information. There is more than you can see in this new map layer…  The Atlas technical team has hidden five images in this map layer! Can you find them? Discover the Atlas Blue Economy Challenge in the Atlas’ Teachers Corner!


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The data in this map is provided by the European Commission.