This project aims to compile comprehensive marine biodiversity time series in Europe, to disentangle the major patterns and drivers of long-term biodiversity trends using various taxonomic and functional diversity metrics, species traits, and environmental variables. The submitted data need to fulfill several requirements: minimum 8 sampling years, sampling location for the respective taxa does not change over time, sampling method, taxonomic resolution and season do not change, list of taxa with abundance data. The project is looking for data that span the European seas with an approximate bounding box 40ºW/30ºN to 40ºE/80ºN.
All data providers are offered co-authorship in a high impact journal that have an “open data policy”. To fulfill this requirement, data will be published via EMODnet Biology.
You can submit your proposal using the provided template in the call until January 31st, 2024.
For more information and submission details, please visit: