Among the topics covered were the testing and production of new services aimed at making marine data and products more accessible. The meeting also focused on further expanding the EMODnet network, which involves reaching out to more data providers and engaging a broader range of stakeholders. This expansion is critical for the project's success, as it ensures a richer and more diverse source of marine data to support a variety of applications.
EMODnet is pleased to announce and welcome 3 new associated partners in Spring 2024: RGI, VOTO and Oceano VOX. Each bringing unique expertise and a strong commitment to advancing collaboration with EMODnet in the areas of data sharing, best practices in marine data, information technology and data services, and expanding the users of EMODnet, including for the Blue Economy.
EMODnet experts from the Human Activities and Secretariat presented EMODnet and provided technical advice at the Technical Expert Group (TEG) on Data for Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) workshop “MSP Data tools and Guidance” which was held as a hybrid event on 13th March 2024.
EMODnet was well represented at the Oceanology International 2024 and European Ocean Observing System (EOOS) Technology Forum that took place back-to-back in mid-March 2024 in London, UK. EMODnet Physics, Chemistry, Data Ingestion and wider experts were on-site, complementing a pan-EMODnet feature article in the Hydro International magazine that accompanied the OI 2024 event.
EMODnet demonstrated its cross-disciplinary services alongside EMODnet Biology and EDITO-Infra at an exhibition at VLIZ Marine Science Day 2024. The event took place at De Grote Post in Ostend on Wednesday, 6th March 2024 and attracted over 450 researchers, many from higher education and early career professionals.
EMODnet experts from across the network will be in Barcelona for the week-long UN Ocean Decade Conference 2024. You will find us in the official Conference exhibition area in a joint booth of EMODnet, Copernicus Marine Service and the Ocean Prediction Decade Coordination Centre, and at numerous side events spanning Digital Twins of the Ocean, Early Career Ocean Professionals (ECOPS), Ocean Observing, Private sector data sharing, Sea Level Rise and more.
EMODnet, represented by EMODnet Biology Coordinator Joana Beja, VLIZ, Belgium, presented EDITO-Infra and EMODnet’s contribution in a webinar hosted the European project Iliad titled ‘Digital Twins of the Ocean and Biodiversity’.
On 29 February 2024, stakeholders from 18 different countries gathered online for an EMODnet Data Ingestion workshop, focusing on data management in offshore licensing procedures. The workshop, organized by EMODnet Data Ingestion and facilitated by partner Deltares, aimed to provide an overview of the diverse approaches and practices surrounding marine data management in offshore licenses, particularly in aquaculture and renewable energy sectors.
More than 100K new occurrence records are published by EMODnet Biology in the first data harvest of 2024, including more than 100,000 biodiversity occurrence records, making EMODnet Biology data holdings surpass the 40 million occurrence records threshold.
EMODnet Data Ingestion, in collaboration with EMODnet Thematic Coordinators and the Secretariat, have produced an EMODnet Guidance document on European project data submissions to EMODnet. This is an output from the webinar 'EMODnet for Horizon Europe and Mission: Restore our Ocean and Waters' on 28th February 2024, organised by EMODnet, in collaboration with EC DG MARE.