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European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet)

PLOCAN Seasonal Glider Mission

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Find out how PLOCAN are contributing to the European glider framework and to EMODnet Physics

EMODnet Associated Partner, PLOCAN, are currently running a new seasonal glider mission (ESTOC2017_1) off the north-east coast of Gran Canaria. This contributes to the permanent operating and monitoring strategy of the PLOCAN integrated observatory, and to the European AtlantOS project. Standardised, quality controlled data, compiled by the glider in each dive will be made available, in real time, via EMODnet Physics. Further information can be found at the following link and at EMODnet Physics.

PLOCAN, the Oceanic Platform of the Canary Islands, is a joint initiative between the Spanish and the Canary Islands governments. It is a multipurpose service centre with novel land-based and sea-based infrastructures to support research, technology development and innovation in the marine and maritime sector. Its mission is to promote long-term observation and sustainability of the ocean, providing a cost-effective combination of services, such as observatories, test site, base for underwater vehicles, training and innovation hub. PLOCAN operates a fixed offshore platform installed in its marine test site in the NE coast of Gran Canaria. PLOCAN joined EMODnet as an associated partner in December 2016.