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European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet)

Publications List 2023

This page gives an overview of all publications published in 2023 by the EMODnet Thematic Assembly Groups and EMODnet Data Ingestion.


EMODnet Bathymetry

(Co-)Authored peer-reviewed publications
Date of publication Type of publication Full reference ISBN DOI Is it open access? Yes/No
Other/non-peer reviewed types of publications (co-)authored
Date of publication Type of publication Full reference ISBN DOI Is it open access? Yes/No
13-04-2023 Public Release     Yes


EMODnet Biology

(Co-)Authored peer-reviewed publications
Date of publication Type of publication Full reference ISBN DOI Is it open access? Yes/No
11-04-2023 Report Pires, R.F.T., Froufe, E., Secci-Petretto, G., Dos Santos A., Report on the occurrence of the hydromedusa Odessia maeotica (Ostroumoff, 1896) in the north-eastern Atlantic revealed by citizen science and integrative taxonomy. Aquat Ecol (2023). No
13-06-2023 Paper Maioli, F., Weigel, B., Chiarabelli, E. et al. Influence of ecological traits on spatio-temporal dynamics of an elasmobranch community in a heavily exploited basin. Sci Rep 13, 9596 (2023) Yes
10-07-2023 Paper Montanyès, M., Weigel, B. and Lindegren, M. (2023), Community assembly processes and drivers shaping marine fish community structure in the North Sea. Ecography e06642. Yes
08-09-2023 Conference abstract Perez Perez R, Beja J, Vandepitte L, Lipizer M, Weigel B, Vanhoorne B (2023) EMODnet Biology: Unlocking European marine biodiversity data. Biodiversity Information Science and Standards 7: e112147. Yes
21-11-2023 Paper Dos Santos A, Marques R, Pires RFT. 2023. Zooplankton biodiversity and temporal dynamics (2005–2015) in a coastal station in western Portugal (Northeastern Atlantic Ocean). PeerJ 11:e16387 Yes
22-12-2023 Paper Olivier Beauchard, Clare Bradshaw, Stefan Bolam, Justin Tiano, Clément Garcia, Emil De Borger, Pascal Laffargue, Mats Blomqvist, Irini Tsikopoulou, Nadia Papadopoulou, Christopher Smith, Jolien Claes, Karline Soetaert and Marija Sciberras, 2023.Trawling-induced change in benthic effect trait composition -A multiple case study.  Front. Mar. Sci., 22 December 2023. Sec. Marine Ecosystem Ecology Volume 10 - 2023 | Yes
Other/non-peer reviewed types of publications (co-)authored
Date of publication Type of publication Full reference ISBN DOI Is it open access? Yes/No
24-08-2023 Conference abstract  Ramos, E., Guinda, X., de la Hoz, C.F., Puente, A., Juanes, J.A.  KEYNOTE “Macroalgal monitoring challenges under the climate-driven community changes”. Yes
29-11-2023 Conference Poster Figueroa-Ashforth C, Gough C, Lear D, Paxman K; DASHH: Unlocking Ocean Secrets through FAIR biodiversity data; (2023); EMODnet Open Conference, 29-30 November, Brussels, Belgium ( page 10) Yes
29-11-2023 Conference Poster Sarafidou G, Paragkamian S; (2023); Digging up the oceans’ past: A Citizen Science project for Historical Scientific Papers; Digging up the oceans’ past: A Citizen Science project for Historical Scientific Papers ( page 12)     Yes
29-11-2023 Conference Poster Perez Perez R, Vanhoorne B, Delgat L, Beja J, Vandepitte L; (2023);The Biocheck Tool: Enhancing data quality in marine biodiversity research ( page 13)     Yes
29-11-2023 Conference Poster Beja J, Fernandéz S, Krystalli A, Salmon M, Blondel E, Webb T; (2023); EMODnet Biology develops tools for EMODnet users ( page 17)     Yes
29-11-2023 Conference Poster Naumann MS, Wittmann AC, Behnken A, Collart T, Damaske D, Delaney C, Felden J, Huber R, Larkin K, Schindler U, Glöcker FO (2023); Four bridges to cross– Linking PANGAEA data resources with four EMODnet themes. EMODnet Open Conference, 29-30 November, Brussels, Belgium ( page 33)     Yes


EMODnet Chemistry

(Co-)Authored peer-reviewed publications
Date of publication Type of publication Full reference ISBN DOI Is it open access? Yes/No
03-05-2023 paper Pietropolli, G., Manzoni, L., & Cossarini, G. (2023). Multivariate Relationship in Big Data Collection of Ocean Observing System. Applied Sciences, 13(9), 5634. Yes
15-09-2023 paper Murray, C. J., van Bavel, B., Kideys, A. E., Lusher, A. L., Reker, J.,Šubelj, G., & Andersen, J. H. (2023). Development and testing of a prototype indicator-based tool for identification of potential problem areas for marine litter in Europe's seas. Science of The Total Environment, 167096. Yes
09-2023 (online version)                            12-2023  (print version) paper Murray, C. J., van Bavel, B., Kideyş, A. E., Lusher, A. L., Reker, J., Šubelj, G., & Andersen, J. H. (2023). Development and testing of a prototype indicator-based tool for identification of potential problem areas for marine litter in Europe's seas. Science of the Total Environment, 905, 167096. Yes
30-10-2023 paper French, M. A., & Lipizer, M. Improving data reliability to support marine pollution assessment according to MSFD Descriptor 8 in the European Seas: the contribution of EMODnet Chemistry. Frontiers in Marine Science, 10, 1275097. Yes
01-12-2023 paper Molina Jack, M. E., Altenburger, A., Caer, G., Cociancich, A., Fortibuoni, T., Galgani, F., ... & Vinci, M. (2023). A Mediterranean Focus Overview of EU Marine Litter Data Management Performed in the Framework of the European Yes
Other/non-peer reviewed types of publications (co-)authored
Date of publication Type of publication Full reference ISBN DOI Is it open access? Yes/No


EMODnet Geology

(Co-)Authored peer-reviewed publications
Date of publication Type of publication Full reference ISBN DOI Is it open access? Yes/No
5-02-2023 Conference abstract Asch, K., Müller, A. M., and Blischke, A.: Ocean mapping: Finding and compiling spatial data on extreme environments – key information even for a general mapping project such as EMODnet geology , EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16050, 2023 Yes
Other/non-peer reviewed types of publications (co-)authored
Date of publication Type of publication Full reference ISBN DOI Is it open access? Yes/No
26-4-2023 Poster presentation and abstract Kihlman, S., Kaskela, A., Kotilainen, A., Alanen, U., Vallius, H., and Partners, E. G.: Analysing the added value of surface features information in the Seabed substrate data from the European sea areas - EMODnet Geology, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13602 Yes
26-4-2023 Poster presentation and abstract Vallius, H., Kihlman, S., Kaskela, A., Kotilainen, A., Alanen, U., and Geology Partners, E.: EMODnet Geology – towards new standards on harmonizing marine geological data of the European seas - and beyond, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10770 Yes
Summer 2023 Poster presentation and abstract Asch, K., Müller, A.M. & Blischke, A. (2023): Marine mapping: Finding and compiling spatial data on extreme environments – key information even for a general mapping project such as EMODnet geology. EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU-23-16050 Yes
Summer 2023 Accepted conference abstract Seafloor geology and the European EMODnet data infrastructure: The challenge of integrating off-shore data across EEZ boundaries (Asch, K.)   Conference abstract for 175 anniversary Meeting of the German Geological Society (GeoBerlin 2023, 3-7.9.2023   Not yet on-line Planned
27-03-2023 Invited keynote presentation Moses, C., 2023, Weathering the storm: rock coast resilience and vulnerability, Annual Conference of the Engineering Group of the Geological Society at Cambridge University     N/A
4-06-2023 Internal draft report Van Heteren, S., 2023, A literature survey of the coastal ribbon, 3 pp.      

EMODnet Human Activities

(Co-)Authored peer-reviewed publications
Date of publication Type of publication Full reference ISBN DOI Is it open access? Yes/No
Other/non-peer reviewed types of publications (co-)authored
Date of publication Type of publication Full reference ISBN DOI Is it open access? Yes/No
  Conference Integrating the socioeconomic dimensions in the MSP. Jose L. Santiago, Davinia Lojo, Marta Ballesteros. International Ocean Data Conference - II Session 4: Interdisciplinarity, societal needs.     Yes
09-11-2023 Paper European Commission, Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Falco, L., Pititto, A., Adnams, W. et al., EU vessel density map – Detailed method, Publications Office of the European Union, 2023, 978-92-68-09107-4 10.2771/518143 Yes


EMODnet Physics

(Co-)Authored peer-reviewed publications
Date of publication Type of publication Full reference ISBN DOI Is it open access? Yes/No
2023 Book chapter Mourre et al., Mediterranean observing and forecasting systems, Editor(s): Katrin Schroeder, Jacopo Chiggiato, Oceanography of the Mediterranean Sea, Elsevier, 2023, 9780128236925
    Setting EU Threshold Values for impulsive underwater sound 978-92-68-03343-2   Yes
    Setting EU Threshold Values for impulsive underwater sound 978-92-68-03349-4   Yes
Other/non-peer reviewed types of publications (co-)authored
Date of publication Type of publication Full reference ISBN DOI Is it open access? Yes/No
11-3-2023 Web article + interview      
31-3-2023 Web article + interview      
  Web article + interview articoli/sostenibilit%C3%A0-cultura-promozione-turistica-il-pavilion-di- genova      
  Web article + interview promozione-turistica-il-pavilion-di-genova-protagonista-anche-ad- aarhus-2.html      
  Web article + interview grand-finale-genova-rotta-newport-puntata-17.html      
  Web article + interview grand-finale-sostenibilita-storia-puntata-10.html      
26-06-2023 Newspaper La verità viene dal mare – SecoloXIX      
22-06-2023 Newspaper All’Ocean Race le barche navigano contro il climate change – ilSole24ore      
29-06-2023 Newspaper progetto-scientifico-regata-dura-718381e4-561b-4a27-a814- c1785495dxlk.shtml      
    Proceeding EuroGOOS International Conference Yes

EMODnet Seabed Habitats

(Co-)Authored peer-reviewed publications
Date of publication Type of publication Full reference ISBN DOI Is it open access? Yes/No
06-01-2023 Paper Ragkousis M et al. (2023) Unpublished Mediterranean and Black Sea records of marine alien, cryptogenic, and neonative species. Yes
20-02-2023 Paper Bekkby T, Torstensen RRG, Grünfeld LAH, Gundersen H, Fredriksen S, Rinde E, Christie H, Walday M, Andersen GS, Brkljacic MS, Neves L and Hancke K (2023) ‘Hanging gardens’—comparing fauna communities in kelp farms and wild kelp forests.
31-01-2023 Paper Close HL, Barry PJ, McIlwaine PSO, Marzloff MP, Folliot B, Vasquez M, Laffargue P, Tan SH (2023). Distolambrus maltzami (Miers, 1881) (Brachyura: Parthenopidae) with observed and modelled distribution in the North-east Atlantic. Journal of the Marine Biological Association Yes
05-2023 Paper Evangelia Strogyloudi, Evangelia Krasakopoulou, Antonia Giannakourou, Sofia Galinou-Mitsoudi, Vasiliki-Angelique Catsiki, Paraskevi Drakopoulou, Chara Kyriakidou, Evangelos Papathanassiou, Michael O. Angelidis, How environmental factors determine mussel metal concentrations? A Comparative study between areas facing different pressures, Regional Studies in Marine Science, Volume 59, 2023.     No
05-2023 Paper GIULIA MO, SABRINA AGNESI, PIETRO LO CASCIO & BRUNO MASSA. Historical and recent data on the occurrence of the Mediterranean monk seal in the AeolianIslands (southern Tyrrhenian Sea, Sicily). 9 Yes
13-05-2023 Paper Müller, C., Erzini, K., Dudeck, T. et al. Variability of prey preferences and uptake of anthropogenic particles by juvenile white seabream in a coastal lagoon nursery ground. Environ Biol Fish 106, 1383–1404 (2023). Yes
31-05-2023 Paper Svedäng Henrik, Thunell Viktor, Pålsson Ale, Wikström Sofia A., Whitehouse Martin J. Compensatory feeding in Eastern Baltic cod (Gadus morhua): recent shifts in otolith growth and nitrogen content suggest unprecedented metabolic changes. Front. Mar. Sci., 31 May 2023. Sec. Marine Fisheries, Aquaculture and Living Resources. Yes
06-2023 Paper Kirsty A. McQuaid, Amelia E.H. Bridges, Kerry L. Howell, Tiago B.R. Gandra, Vitor de Souza, Jock C. Currie, Oliver T. Hogg, Tabitha R.R. Pearman, James B. Bell, Lara J. Atkinson, Diane Baum, Jarbas Bonetti, Alvar Carranza, Omar Defeo, Thomas Furey, Maria A. Gasalla, Neil Golding, Shannon L. Hampton, Sebastián Horta, Daniel O.B. Jones, Amanda T. Lombard, Eleonora Manca, Yamandú Marin, Stephanie Martin, Pål Mortensen, Cecilia Passadore, Nils Piechaud, Kerry J. Sink, Andrew Yool, Broad-scale benthic habitat classification of the South Atlantic, Progress in Oceanography, Volume 214, 2023. Yes
01-06-2023 Paper Christopher J. Smith, Nadia K. Papadopoulou, Irida Maina, Stefanos Kavadas, P. Daniel van Denderen, Nikolaos Katsiaras, Sofia Reizopoulou, Ioannis Karakassis, Anastasios Tselepides, Irini Tsikopoulou, Relating benthic sensitivity and status to spatial distribution and intensity of trawling in the Eastern Mediterranean, Ecological Indicators, Volume 150, 2023. Yes
07-2023 Paper Angiolillo, M.; Bertasi, F.; Grossi, L.; Loia, M.; Vani, D.; Rende, S.F.; Giusti, M.; Tunesi, L. Deep Aggregations of the Polychaete Amage adspersa (Grube, 1863) in the Ionian Sea (Central Mediterranean Sea) as Revealed via ROV Observations. Diversity 2023, 15, 906. Yes
08-2023 Paper Enrichetti, F.; Bavestrello, G.; Cappanera, V.; Mariotti, M.; Massa, F.; Merotto, L.; Povero, P.; Rigo, I.; Toma, M.; Tunesi, L.; et al. High Megabenthic Complexity and Vulnerability of a Mesophotic Rocky Shoal Support Its Inclusion in a Mediterranean MPA. Diversity 2023,15, 933. Yes
08-2023 Paper Andersen, J.H., Al-Hamdani, Z., Carstensen, J. et al. Are European Blue Economy ambitions in conflict with European environmental visions? AMBIO A Journal of the Human Environment (2023). Yes
09-2023 Paper Cross-Comparison of the “BathySent” Coastal Bathymetry to Sonar Measurements and Ratio Model Technique: Pilot Sites in the Aegean Sea (Greece). Paraskevi Drakopoulou, Ioannis P. Panagiotopoulos, Marcello de Michele, Vassilios Kapsimalis, Daniel Raucoules, Michael Foumelis, Ioannis Morfis, Isidoros Livanos, Dimitris Sakellariou and Dimitrios Vandarakis. Water 15(18):3168. 2023. Yes
09-2023 Paper M Rodriguez, D Sakellariou, C Gorini, A Janin, E D'Acremont, L Le Pourhiet, N Chamot-Rooke, K Tsampouraki-Kraounaki, I Morfis, G Rousakis, P Henry, A Lurin, M Delescluse, P Briole, A Rigo, S Arsenikos, C Bulois, D Fernández-Blanco, A Beniest, C Grall, F Chanier, F Caroir, J-X Dessa, D Oregioni, A Nercessian, Evolution of the North Anatolian Fault from a diffuse to a localized shear zone in the North Aegean Sea during the Plio-Pleistocene, Geophysical Journal International, 2023. Yes
18-11-2023 Paper Riccardo Arosio, Andrew J. Wheeler, Fabio Sacchetti, Janine Guinan, Sara Benetti, Eimear O’Keeffe, Katrien J. J. van Landeghem, Luis A. Conti, Thomas Furey & Aaron Lim (2023) The geomorphology of Ireland’s continental shelf, Journal of Maps, 19:1 Yes
20-12-2023 Peer-reviewed scientific report Michela Giusti, Michela Angiolillo, Simonepietro Canese, Leonardo Tunesi. Unexpected mobility activities of the sedentary sea pen Pteroeides griseum (Cnidaria: Scleralcyonacea). Yes
Other/non-peer reviewed types of publications (co-)authored
Date of publication Type of publication Full reference ISBN DOI Is it open access? Yes/No
08-2023 Supplementary Material Jesper H. Andersen. Zyad Al-Hamdani, Jacob Carstensen, Karen Edelvang, Josefine Egekvist, Berit C. Kaae, Kathrine J. Hammer, Eva Therese Harvey, Jørgen O. Leth, Will McClintock, Ciarán Murray, Anton S. Olafsson, Jeppe Olsen, Signe Sveegaard, Jakob Tougaard. Electronic Supplementary Material: Are European Blue Economy ambitions in conflict with European environmental visions? 978-0-12-823427-3 Yes
09-2023 Conference abstract Salomidi, M. et al. Remarkable Sponge Communities in Coralligenous Banks Of The North Aegean Sea. 5th International Workshop on Taxonomy of Atlanto-Mediterranean Deep-Sea & Cave Sponges (Rapallo, Italy). Yes
10-2023 Conference proceedings Fabien Caroir, Frank Chanier, Fabien Paquet, Julien Bailleul, Dimitris Sakellariou, Virginie Gaullier, Agnés Maillard and Louise Watremez. Architecture and spatio-temporal evolution of progradation sequences related to the last glacial cycles in Oreoi-Artemision Channel, Greece. Yes
11-2023 Conference proceedings Annunziatellis, A. et al. Underwater photogrammetry: Full Motion Video and integration of machine learning algorithms a case study applied to MSFD seabed habitat monitoring. Conference: Marine Geological & Habitat Mapping (GEOHAB) May 16th – 20th 2022, Venice, Italy. Yes
10-11-2023 Technical Report Vasquez Mickaël, Ségeat Benjamin, Cordingley Ashley, Tilby Emily, Wikström Sofia, Ehrnsten Eva, Al Hamdani Zyad, Agnesi Sabrina, Andersen Mikkel Skovgaard, Annunziatellis Aldo, Askew Natalie, Bekkby Trine, Bentes Luis, Daniels Elyana, Doncheva Valentina, Drakopoulou Vivi, Ernstsen Verner Brandbyge, Gonçalves Jorge, Karvinen Ville, Laamanen-Nicolas Leena, Lillis Helen, Loukaidi Valia, Manca Eleonora, McGrath Fergal, Mo Giulia, Monteiro Pedro, Muresan Mihaela, Nygard Henrik, O'Keeffe Eimear, Pelembe Tara, Radicioli Martina, Sakellariou Dimitris, Teaca Adrian, Todorova Valentina, Tunesi Leonardo, Woods Helen (2023). EUSeaMap 2023, A European broad-scale seabed habitat map, Technical Report. EASME/EMFF/2020/3.1.11/Lot3/SI2.843624 – EMODnet Thematic Lot n° 3 – Seabed Habitats - D1.15 Yes


EMODnet Data Ingestion

(Co-)Authored peer-reviewed publications
Date of publication Type of publication Full reference ISBN DOI Is it open access? Yes/No
23-02-2023 Leaflet A4 R/V Update leafletA4 R/V with two new use cases in support of the objectives of WP4.2 and 4.3 (Off-shore licensing data); printed version to be disseminated to partners at the plenary meeting (11-12 April 2023)     Yes
Other/non-peer reviewed types of publications (co-)authored
Date of publication Type of publication Full reference ISBN DOI Is it open access? Yes/No
April – June 2023 Video production #1 Feed a YT playlist with Ingestions videos + invite colleagues to present their case studies in a series of self recorded presentations with Zoom. A good briefing will be prepared.     Yes
April – Dec 2023 Use cases  Collect more use cases and describe these as success stories together with consortium partners     Yes
2023 ResearchGate Publication of EMODnet Ingestion posters: to enlarge visibility of the project in Science Social Media (several EMODnet publications available)     Yes
2023 Publication of EMODnet Ingestion posters: to enlarge visibility of the project in Science Social Media (several EMODnet publications available)     Yes