Two entirely new data sets made their debut in the month of August 2024. One reports “Fish quotas by Fishery Management Zone”. Total allowable catches (TACs), as Initial Quantity and Adapted Quota, are catch limits (expressed in tonnes) provided for each fish species (code and name) for a given year. Each stock is associated with one Fishery Management Zone (FMZ), but a FMZ can have multiple stocks associated with it. Each species+area combination has multiple quota values per year. For many stocks, there is no value in the quota table. This means that the stock is defined only for reporting purposes, but there is no limitation of the amount of allowable catches. The data set stems from a cooperation between DG MARE and the EMODnet Human Activities thematic group. The time series starts from 2012 until present day, and from now on it will be updated each year. Due to the amount of data, all the attributes are not shown in the map viewer, thus it is recommended to download the data in order to access to all the available info.
The other data sets concerns UNESCO World Heritage Convention sites. This dataset provides the location of coastal sites from the UNESCO World Heritage Convention list. It includes UNESCO sites considered as coastal according to the definition of coastal areas provided by the European Commission: coastal areas are local administrative units (LAUs) that are bordering or close to a coastline. A coastline is defined as the line where land and water surfaces meet (border each other). Coastal areas have at least 50% of their surface area within a distance of 10km from the coastline. The dataset includes the name of the site, its code in the UNESCO site database, distance to coast, whether it is a cultural or natural site and a short description.
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