Healthy and resilient marine ecosystems ensure humanity’s future. Protecting our seas and ocean and using their resources sustainably is at the heart of the European Union’s integrated maritime policy.
Europe’s Marine Strategy Framework Directive is the environmental pillar of our maritime policy. It requires EU Member States to assess, monitor and restore the health of our marine environment.
To monitor the health of our marine environment we need access to accurate data and information, to understand its current status and how this will change in response to climate change and human activities.
But where can environmental managers and policy makers find the data they need?
EMODnet provides a global gateway to marine data and data products to support the sustainable management of marine and coastal area and help shape policy decisions to protect the ocean.
We are happy to release the EMODnet for Policy film during the European Maritime Day (EMD), an annual celebration connecting policy makers, scientists, industry and society, established in 2008 to support an integrated approach to maritime affairs.