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European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet)

Photo by Daniel Spase from Pexels


The objective is to examine and apply existing Baltic Sea coastal monitoring data and identify the data adequacy for establishing time series of long-term sea level variation and sediment balance per Baltic Sea coastal stretch.


The input data used include:

  • Monthly mean sea level data in Baltic Sea coast in past 10-100 years from PSMSL (Permanent Service of Mean Sea Level -
  • Land rise data Baltic Sea coast in past 10-100 years from DTU-Space
  • Baltic Sea long-term ocean hindcast data (40years, from DMI ocean-ice model)
  • Long-term wave hindcast with a resolution of 6 nautical miles (DMI and TUT)
  • EMODnet-Geology and national coastal monitoring data from countries with substantial segments of sedimentary coasts was used as ground truth (collected by TUT).


Tallinn University of Technology

Danish Meteorological Institute

Technical University of Denmark