On 31 May 2024, EMODnet, the EU Blue Economy Observatory (EU-BEO) and the European Environmental Agency (EEA), co-hosted an engaging workshop titled "Diverse Data Serving EU Policies and the Blue Economy for a Sustainable Future" as part of European Maritime Day (30-31 May 2024) in Svendborg, Denmark.
The workshop showcased the current and upcoming services offered by EMODnet, EU-BEO, and EEA, highlighting the core mandates and offers of these three EU assets.
EMODnet is the EC marine data service of EC DG MARE and provides an open and free to use public service of pan-European marine data and data products spanning the marine environment and human activities at sea;
The EU Blue Economy Observatory is an initiative of EC DG MARE that provides open and free access to socio-economic data related to the Blue Economy.
The European Environment Agency is an agency of the European Union. Together with the Eionet network, EEA provides the knowledge and data needed to achieve sustainability in Europe.
The workshop discussed the need for diverse data from the marine environment, human activities at sea and socio-economic data to provide more integrated and holistic ocean knowledge as interoperable data layers that can work together for multiple uses, and as the marine knowledge evidence-base for ocean and wider environmental assessments.
EMODnet, EU-BEO and EEA provide evidence-based knowledge to support policies of the European Union, to support and innovate the Blue Economy in its operations and green transition, and to provide evidence-based knowledge for society.
The workshop also explored potential synergies among these initiatives which are all key actors in the European marine data and knowledge value chain.
The workshop featured presentations, a panel discussion, and audience engagement through Slido polling and Q&A sessions. The presentations can be found in the workshop's Master Slide deck: WSB4_EMODnet_EUBEO_EEA_MasterSlideDeck_final.pdf