Between 2013 and 2018, a series of six EMODnet Sea-basin Checkpoint (SBCP) projects assessed the adequacy, availability and completeness of the European marine monitoring and ocean observation data in EMODnet, and other sources, at the level of the European regional sea basins. The first two checkpoints were initiated in 2013 (Mediterranean Sea and North Sea), and were extended with four more in 2015 (Arctic, Atlantic, Baltic and Black Sea). By stress-testing the data against specific end-user challenges (e.g. marine protected areas, oil platform leaks, eutrophication), the checkpoints evaluated how well Europe’s observing and monitoring capacity provided data to meet the needs of users. In doing so, data gaps and duplications as well as significant bottlenecks were highlighted. The EMODnet Sea-basin Checkpoint websites were migrated to the EMODnet Central Portal in 2021.
On 26 January 2023, the EMODnet Secretariat hosted an interactive workshop on the EMODnet Sea-basin Checkpoints with the objective to discuss the added value and benefits of the 2013-2018 EMODnet Sea-basin Checkpoint exercises. The workshop was attended by more than 50 participants, bringing together EMODnet Sea-basin Checkpoint Coordinators, partners and expert panel members, EMODnet thematic and data ingestion experts, EMODnet associated partners and wider invited experts.
The workshop was opened by EC DG MARE (Rémy Dénos) providing the context of EU work at regional sea-basin level. The EMODnet Secretariat (Kate Larkin and Nathalie Tonné) then provided an overview of the workshop objectives, the SBCP 2013-2018 exercises and presented preliminary results of the online survey that was launched in Q4 2022 (see below). Interactive interludes involving all workshop participants were foreseen in the form of poll questions on Then, a first panel discussion was held involving the Sea-basin Checkpoint coordinators and representatives provided insights on the strengths and weaknesses of the EMODnet Sea-basin Checkpoint methodologies used, the geographic coverage, stakeholder engagement, end-user challenges/topic areas and more. The first panel was followed by an interactive session in Mural, a digital environment that leverages visual collaboration, where all workshop participants were asked to provide their opinion on the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats of different elements of the SBCP exercises.
In the second panel discussion, the EMODnet thematic coordinators reflected on the current status of data adequacy and gaps and the progress made in the five years since the SBCPs ended. A third panel was held with several SBCP representatives and invited experts from Copernicus Marine, EuroGOOS and GEOMAR to discuss how the Sea-basin Checkpoints could evolve in the future, including dialogue on other related methods for assessing data adequacy and informing ocean observation system design.
The event had a European focus, in the context of global developments and builds upon initial consultation with the EMODnet SBCP Coordinators and wider SBCP experts in Q3-4 2022.
The full presentation including the agenda and interventions from EC DG MARE and the EMODnet Secretariat is available for download. A summary report will be produced in Q1 2023 with expert recommendations that will be made publicly available for policy makers and wider stakeholders.
In December 2022, the EMODnet Secretariat launched the Sea-basin Checkpoint survey, which gathers feedback from coordinators and experts on the benefits of the 2013-2018 SBCP exercises; wider stakeholders are also welcome to respond to the survey. All stakeholders are invited to participate in the survey which remains open until 2 February 2023.
Find out more information on the past actions regarding the Sea-basin Checkpoints on the EMODnet Sea-basin Checkpoint page.
Please also have a look at the other EMODnet events in 2023:
- The Centralisation Public webinar which will take place on 16 February 2023
- Open Sea Lab III: Hackathon testing the upgraded EMODnet data services which will take place on 27-28 March 2023