Product 1 - Map of Dissolved Oxygen indicator over the past 10 years in NE Atlantic basin , using the OSPAR COMP assessment method (2005-2014 time period, mg/l), produced by CEFAS - Seasonal averages
- Change in trend
| >Specifications | >Results | Not created | | Score: Inadequate |
Product 2 - Map of Chlorophyl-a indicator over the past 10 years in NE Atlantic area, using the OSPAR COMP assessment method (2005-2014 time period, ug/l 90th percentile), produced by CEFAS - Seasonal averages
- Change in trend
| >Specifications | >Results | Not created | | Score: Inadequate |
Product 3 - Map of Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen indicator over the past 10 years in NE Atlantic area, using the OSPAR COMP assessment method (2005-2014 time period, uM), produced by CEFAS - Seasonal averages
- Change in trend
| >Specifications | >Results | Not created | | Score: Inadequate |
Product 4 - Map of seasonal Chlorophyl-a concentrations in NE Atlantic basin using Satellite Observations of 4 km resolution(2005-2014 time period), produced by ACRI-HE - Seasonal concentration (90th percentile)
| >Specifications | >Results | >Download | >View Map | Score: Very good |
Product 5 - Map of seasonal Chlorophyll-a concetration, in Loire-Vilaine estuary (local scale) using Satellite Observations of 1 km resolution (2005-2014 time period), and 300m resolution for 2002-2011 time period) , produced by ACRI-HE - Seasonal averages of Chl-a (90th percentile)
- Change in trend in Chl-a (90th percentile)
- Correlation and contribution coefficients between annual concentration of Chlorophyl-a river inputs (phosphorus, nitrogen)
| >Specifications | >Results | >Download | >View Map | Score: Very good |
Product 6 - Map of annual correlation of Chlorophyll a with Nitrogen and Phosphrous inputs from rivers at 300-m resolution mapping in Loire-Vilaine estuary (local scale) using the Satellite observations (2005-2014 time period), produced by ACRI-HE - Seasonal concentration of Chl-a (90th percentile)
| >Specifications | >Results | >Download | >View Map | Score: Good |
Product 7 - Map of seasonal and annual averages of eutrophication data layers over the past 10 years at a local scale using a commercial assessment approach), produced by CEFAS |