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A new catalogue to support MSFD: a joint Copernicus Marine and EMODnet initiative

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We are pleased to announce the release of a joint Copernicus Marine & EMODnet catalogue (91 MB) to support European Member States with the implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). Copernicus Marine and EMODnet have published a joint marine data catalogue which gathers marine data products from Copernicus Marine and EMODnet relevant for the MSFD descriptors (except Descriptor 4) in the Baltic Sea. This catalogue will soon be enlarged to all European Seas.

It is available from both Copernicus Marine and EMODnet as a PDF format. Further collaboration with EU Member States and with the European Environment Agency (EEA) is needed to test the fit-for-purpose of this first initiative.

Such a joint portfolio could be extended in the future to other European Directives such as Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP).


Joint Copernicus Marine & EMODnet catalogue
English (PDF, 91MB)