EMODnet showcased its partnership with Scuba Schools International and the German Foundation (GOF) at BOOT 2025, presenting the joint citizen science initiative which delivers ocean environmental data collected by scuba divers’ dive computers into EMODnet. The partnership was launched one year ago with EC DG MARE and EMODnet Physics, and already has thousands of data submitted to EMODnet, with the projection to include millions of ocean temperature data profiles alone! This year, the EMODnet…
Dear EMODnet partners, colleagues and friends, A very Happy New Year to you all! As the Head of the EMODnet Secretariat, it is my pleasure to bring you the EMODnet New Year’s letter, an annual tradition that celebrates the collective achievements of the EMODnet community in 2024 and that looks ahead to EMODnet’s continued evolution and Vision to 2035
How can we increase accessibility to land-sea interface data near river mouths? This was the focus of the meeting chaired by EMODnet and +ATLANTIC CoLAB in Lisbon on 8 November. Portugal was chosen as the venue because the Portuguese Environment Agency is a leader in providing river outflow data to EMODnet. One of EMODnet's most important national oceanographic data centres, the Hydrographic Institute of Portugal, is also located there. EMODnet plays a key role in supporting the…
EMODnet joined the Ocean Predict Symposium 2024 that took place at the UNESCO headquarters in Paris, France from 18-22 November. EMODnet presented a poster focusing on EMODnet Physics data supporting Copernicus Marine Service and Ocean Prediction, and the EMODnet Secretariat joined a roundtable, bringing EMODnet's regional expertise to a panel discussion on the implementation of the UN Ocean Decade's Ocean Digital Ecosystem.
On 22 October 2024, more than 70 experts gathered for an EMODnet online workshop titled “EMODnet Marine Data for Ports, Marinas, and Boating.” The event was co-designed with key stakeholder networks from these Blue Economy sectors, including the European Boating Industry, TransEurope Marinas and the European Sea Port Organisation, in collaboration with the EC DG MARE and CINEA. DG MARE and the European Blue Economy Observatory provided opening remarks.
At the international workshop titled AOMI Database: Enhancing Ocean Microplastics Monitoring, EMODnet Chemistry showcased how marine litter data are managed within the project. Held on October 8 and led by Japan’s Ministry of the Environment, the workshop provided a practical demonstration of the Atlas of Ocean Microplastics (AOMI).
Discussing the scientific and technical basis for coordinating, standardising and harmonising the monitoring of seafloor litter and the management of associated data at a global level was the aim of the recent international workshop in China. EMODnet Chemistry was one of the speakers at this invitation-only event, representing the European Marine Observation and Data Network.
EMODnet Chemistry took stock of its recent achievements during the last back-to-back meetings of the whole partnership and the steering committee. The meeting took place on 23 and 24 September 2024 in Copenhagen, Denmark, at the headquarters of the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES).
The recent General Assembly of the EMODnet Chemistry was a good opportunity to present relevant ways in which the project pursues the principles of Open Science (OS). The University of Liège (ULiege) showed how the project implements open science thanks to open source software. Charles Troupin from ULiege referred in particular to EMODnet Chemistry's use of the netCDF format and the NCDatasets.jl package, which is described in a recent EMODnet news article.
At the latest edition of IMDIS EMODnet Chemistry contributed to the session "Products: Data products, information and knowledge” with the presentation “Broad ranges for quality control of coastal data related to marine eutrophication: the Mediterranean Sea case study”.The study presented by the National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics(OGS) and the Hellenic National Oceanographic Data Centre contributes to t