The training session is aimed at marine ecologists, curators, data managers, students who are doing or planning to start research on curation and information extraction of marine ecological literature. Prior knowledge on programming is recommended.
Dear EMODnet partners, colleagues and friends,
It has become a tradition: at the beginning of every new year, we take a moment to reflect with you on the previous year, to take stock of EMODnet’s achievements and look forward to what the coming year will bring for our growing network of data providing partners, service implementers and users.
The EUNIS habitat classification is a comprehensive pan-European system for habitat identification. The classification is hierarchical and covers all types of habitats from natural to artificial, from terrestrial to freshwater and marine. The habitat types are identified by specific codes, names and descriptions and come with cross-walks to other habitat typologies.
EMODnet Chemistry data on contaminants underpins a new approach to improve quality control procedures for sediment pollution data. This in turn supports harmonised environmental assessment. The study was described in detail in the scientific paper entitled "Trace metals and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the Eastern Mediterranean sediments: Concentration ranges as a tool for quality control of large data collections" that is freely available in the current issue of the…
The EMODnet Biology team is happy to announce the successful outcome of its initiative to engage volunteers to rescue a selection of identified historical biological data using citizen science platforms.
EMODnet together with EC DG MARE are organizing a series of two online workshops on “EMODnet marine data for the offshore renewable energy sector”. The first workshop on 20-21 September 2022 focused on the Northeast Atlantic, North Sea and Baltic Sea.
Over the past couple of years EMODnet Biology has been focusing on the development of R packages that allow users to access EMODnet data via OGC webservices.