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European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet)

Assessing Europe's Marine Protected Area networks

Outcomes: Authors were able to propose methods for assessing representativity across European MPA's, suggesting the use of biozones and benthic habitats within EUSeaMap as a primary data source. Moreover, assessment habitat classes (revised broad habitats) are proposed based on the crosswalk of MSFD broad habitat types with respect to EMODnet Folk 5 substrate and seabed biological zone classes

How EMODnet Seabed Habitats helped the user: EUSeaMap was most exhaustive spatial dataset available containing benthic broad scale habitat distribution in Europe’s seas.

Who used it:

EEA- European Environment Agency

When was it used: 2017

What product was used: EUSeaMap 2016

How was the product used: EUSeaMap was displayed alongside regional sea areas to demonstrate the availability of habitat and biozone data in Europe.  


Full report available here