Outcomes: Authors developed an individual-based population model to assess the sensitivity of population growth potential to thermal stress and food conditions, based on a climate projection scenario, for three bivalve species. The results highlight the significance of process-based understanding of the response of benthic populations to rising sea temperatures, of huge importance for future planning of resource management and conservation strategies in response to environmental changes.
How EMODnet Seabed Habitats helped the user: EUSeaMap provided information on the locations of rocky shore coastal habitats across the study area, which the target species were known to colonise.
Who used it:
LEMAR – Laborataire des Sciences de l’Environnement Marin
When was it used: Published 2018
What product was used: EUSeaMap 2017
How the product was used: Information on the availability of suitable habitats (rocky shore coastal areas) was used to provide a robust description of environmental conditions occurring in the study area. A sub-set of locations was taken forwards into the population dynamics modelling, in order to minimise computational time whilst still using a robust description of environmental conditions.
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