User organization
Energinet is an independent public enterprise owned by the Danish Ministry of Climate, Energy and Utilities . Energinet builds, owns, and operates offshore electricity utility cables and gas pipelines that connect Denmark to neighboring countries in the North Sea, Skagerrak and in the Baltic Sea. Energinet develops offshore wind farms and energy islands in the Danish marine territory pursuant to the Danish Act on the Promotion of Renewable Energy.
Challenges faced by the user
Based on decisions in The Danish Parliament (The Energy Agreement 20181, and The Climate Agreement 2022) Energinet has been imposed to implement preliminary studies of the seabed prior to the development of new offshore windfarms and energy islands in the Danish waters. Several seabed investigations have been carried out to establish preliminary models of the subsurface in the selected areas prior to the possible establishment of offshore wind farms. The results are used for the tendering process where developers can bid on an informed basis.
EMODnet services used
EMODnet data products play important roles providing initial background information concerning physiography, environmental constraints, and human activities. In this case, EMODnet Geology data products are repeatedly used as background data for Energinet. The Seabed Substrate map has been used to avoid unsuitable areas such as mud basins. Energinet uses the Index Map to get an overview on available geological knowledge for the Danish seas and are guided to the relevant geoscience organisations for further details. The access to the EMODnet portal helps Energinet in the development of new offshore energy installations and constitutes an asset to minimize costs in the planning process.
Energinet also uses map services and data from other EMODnet Lots such as EMODnet Bathymetry, EMODnet Human Activities, and EMODnet Seabed Habitats highlighting areas of potential constraints e.g. vulnerable habitat areas.
EMODnet data products plays important roles providing initial background information concerning physiography, environmental constraints, and human activities.
Impact of EMODnet
The use of the EMODnet portal allows Energinet and their associated consultant partners working in the development of offshore energy installations, to integrate EMODnet map services and data into new data and data-models.

EMODnet Map Viewer showing Wind Farm information (EMODnet Human Activities) and the relation to the seabed substrates (EMODnet Geology).