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European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet)

Evaluating the impacts of marine renewable energy installations on benthic assemblages

Outcomes: Researchers were able to assess the impacts of decommissioning marine renewable energy installations (MREI) and provide advice for future decommissioning plans. It was found that the MREI in this area supported similar assemblages to the surrounding habitats, and therefore longer-term monitoring of habitat change were required.

How EMODnet Seabed Habitats helped the user: EMODnet provided broad-scale habitat data for the study area.

ICES Journal of Marine ScienceICES Journal of Marine Science

When was it used2018

What product was used: EU SeaMap 2016

How was the product used: Broad-scale habitat data were used to assess the impact scale of cable installations relative to the surrounding environment, through the identification of control areas."Plots" were created using frame grabs from transect footage representing the cable corridor and nearby control habitats, and the number of taxa, assemblage composition and abundance were analysed using per-mutational multivariate analysis of variance. 

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