Outcomes: Authors were able to quantify the effects of the invasive polychaete Marenzelleria spp on sediment nutrient cycling in the Baltic Sea. The results identified that an overall reduction in the self-cleaning capacity of the basin would create a higher cost to stakeholders to meet international commitments such as the HELCOM Baltic Sea Action Plan and the Marine Strategy Framework Directive.
How EMODnet Seabed Habitats helped the user: EMODnet data was found to have the best spatial resolution for deep sediments within the area of interest
Who used it:
Aquabiota – Water Research
When was it used: 2018
What product was used: EUSeaMap 2012
How was the product used: The environmental variables influencing habitat type (namely depth, salinity, Secchi depth, energy at the seabed and wave exposure) were used to predict abundance, and therefore biomass of the invasive Marenzelleria spp in the Baltic.
Abstract available here