Outcomes: Authors were able to create predictive mapping relating to the supporting seabed habitats for inshore wintering waterfowl (IWW) in Scotland. The results identified the location and extent of some prey species and habitats that support the inshore wintering waterfowl, and these will, in turn, inform the management of proposed marine Special Protection Areas (pSPA).
How EMODnet Seabed Habitats helped the user: A wide range of data regarding marine habitats and marine taxa was available with extensive predictive habitat data. These data were geographically extracted for pSPA areas and queried to show the location of prey species and habitats within several pSPAs. It was then possible to compare these with other data sets such as point sample data and bathymetry data sets.
Who used it:
SNH - Scottish Natural Heritage
Envision Mapping Ltd
When was it used: 2018
What product was used: EUSeaMap 2016
How was the product used: The data was reviewed and compared to the principal prey species and associated habitats/biotopes for each waterfowl species which are considered as proposed features within each pSPA. The marine habitats data and point records for marine taxa, along with bathymetry data sets, were used to create maps displaying indicative foraging areas and records of principle prey species and habitats.