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European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet)

Redefining the circalittoral zone and its assemblages from the Azores insular shelves through video survey

Outcomes:Based on the study of morphological species diversity and distribution, authors were able to re-defined the circalittoral zone in the Azores islands.  

How EMODnet Seabed Habitats helped the user: EMODnet provided the best data source to represent marine benthic habitats in the Azores.  

Who used it:

ISPA – Instituto Universitãrio

When was it used2019

What product was used: EU SeaMap 2016

How was the product used: Seabed habitat data provided the base from which to re-define some of the biological and environmental thresholds for the EUNIS classification in the study area.  Information extracted from EMODnet was used to compute the seabed PAR, representing the amount of radiation reaching the seabed.  This information was fed into a series of analyses, combined with drop-down camera data, investigating the thresholds that delimit Azorean biological zones based on morphotype distribution patterns, and whether these thresholds enclose distinct species assemblages.  

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