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European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet)

The EMODnet Associated Partnership Scheme

In response to the increasing number of requests received from organisations who wish to join the EMODnet partnership and contribute to its objectives, we established the Associated Partnership scheme. This new category of membership provides a more flexible arrangement to allow more organisations to join EMODnet in a straightforward and transparent way. It enables interested parties to contribute to and fully benefit from the network's broad range of tools and activities. Further details, including how to apply can be found in the terms of reference.

What does associated partnership entail?

  • An associated partner is formally recognised as a partner of the EMOD-network without receiving funding, without the need to be a contractual partner in one of the projects and without the need to adhere to associated contractual obligations;
  • Light and flexible status without complicated application or exit procedure;
  • Engagement to promote EMODnet, including some level of support of, and full identification with, the EMODnet goals, objectives and principles; some indication that the organisation is contributing to EMODnet (or is willing to do so) is necessary;
  • Inclusion in first line communication in order to be more closely informed about EMODnet, with opportunities to collaborate and participate in EMODnet activities and events from an early stage.

Benefits of associated membership

For associated partners:

  • Gain access to a unique forum for collaboration, networking and exploring new opportunities with regular invitations to interact with other partner during EMODnet activities (workshops, conferences, etc.)
  • For SME’s and larger private companies, it may contribute to establishing corporate responsibility and improve the image of the company, as it indicates subscription to the core principles of EMODnet, including adherence to good data management practices and open sharing of data;
  • Being part of a growing network of key public and private organisations, learning from others and enjoying the huge benefits of working together to address some of the common marine data and sharing challenges which are linked to the management of the growing number and intensity of activities (and data collection) taking place at sea;
  • Have a say in the development of future EMODnet products and services and the refinement of existing ones towards actual user needs;
  • Strengthen visibility of the organisation via new channels (e.g. via the organisation’s logo and links on EMODnet central portal, promotional materials, etc.);
  • Explore options to share infrastructures or processes to save costs and share benefits;
  • Be kept informed with first-hand information about global and pan-European marine data landscape, policy developments and funding opportunities.

For EMODnet

Associated Partnership allows more organisations and associations to join the network and actively participate  without the cumbersome step of becoming a funded/contractual partner. Expansion with associated partners is expected to improve the exchange of best practices, stimulate the sharing of data resources and expertise as well increase the usage of EMODnet data services. Finally, more associated partners will help raise the profile and visibility of both EMODnet and the associated partner.

Terms of Reference

EMODnet Associated Partners Terms of Reference
(268 kB - PDF)


EMODnet Associated Partners brochure

EMODnet Associated Partners brochure
(1.4 MB - PDF)
