ESGEMAR is a Spanish technical consultancy company which operates in a diverse range of areas and sectors from marine technical assistance, support, training and research. It has a vast experience in marine geophysical exploration, marine geology, submarine resources, submarine hazards, seafloor mapping, fisheries studies support and control, sea-weeds resources exploration, biodiversity studies, etc.
Challenges encountered by the CSIC as data ambassador were to improve the knowledge of the data provider regarding EMODnet and the confidentiality of much of the data acquired by private companies. Issues were solved with the interplay of several actions, such as showing other cases of data providers from the nearby community who shared their data with EMODnet.
ESGEMAR was also invited to visit the EMODnet website to download data, maps, etc., from the area where they operate, a useful asset for the company's future activities. This action raised awareness of the importance of open database and open data access.
After the agreement with ESGEMAR, the CSIC supported the creation of the metadata, and the data were successfully ingested. ESGEMAR eventually became an Associated Partner of EMODnet, convinced by the empowerment potential of EMODnet as a good showcase for the company and its activities.