EMODnet Partnership for China and Europe (EMOD-PACE)
China-EU Marine Data Network Partnership (CEMDnet)
In support of EU and China Blue Partnership
EMOD-PACE CEMDnet leaflet
Find more information in our project leaflet about the EMOD-PACE CEMDnet European Union and China Partnership for Marine Data.
Following high-level conferences and forums during the EU-China Blue Year 2017, the EU and China signed a Blue Partnership for the Ocean on the 16th of July 2018, which marked the beginning of a new phase of strategic EU-China ocean relations. This Partnership sets out a comprehensive and holistic framework for our cooperation in the domain of the oceans. The shared objective of the Partnership is to ensure effective ocean governance for the conservation and sustainable use of the oceans and their resources. Key aims include sustainable fisheries, a thriving maritime economy and healthy oceans and the resources they contain.
As a concrete step towards achieving these common Partnership objectives, both the EU and China have set-up two collaborative projects with a focus on marine data exchange and diplomacy, which are intricately connected:
- The European funded EMOD-PACE (EMODnet PArtnership for China and Europe); and
- The CEMDnet (China-EU Marine Data Network Partnership) - ‘中国-欧盟海洋数据网络伙伴关系’
On this website, you will find further information about the interconnected projects from EU and China bringing together NMDIS and EMODnet, the outputs of both projects as they become available, as well as more general information about marine data resources available from China and Europe. The content is structured as follows:
- About EMOD-PACE (EMODnet PArtnership for China and Europe) and China-EU Marine Data Network Partnership (CEMDnet)
- About CEMDnet(China-EU Marine Data NetworkPartnership- ‘中国-欧盟海洋数据网络伙伴关系’)
- EMOD-PACE Background
- Overview of the Work Plan
- Data Information and overview of problem
- Useful Documentation and Links for Project Participants
- Project Partners
The WMO_ICO Centre for Marine Meteorological and Oceanographic Climate Data (CMOC/China) is the executive of the CMOC/China and promotes its general interest.