Dear EMODnet partners, colleagues and friends,
A very Happy New Year to you all! As the Head of the EMODnet Secretariat, it is my pleasure to bring you the EMODnet New Year’s letter, an annual tradition that celebrates the collective achievements of the EMODnet community in 2024 and that looks ahead to EMODnet’s continued evolution and the service decadal Vision to 2035.
2024 at a glance
EMODnet: A trusted European asset for marine data and knowledge
Time has flown and it is now two years since the launch of the upgraded EMODnet service in January 2023 into a single, centralised EMODnet Portal which puts European marine knowledge front-and-centre. Stakeholders have responded very positively. 2024 saw EMODnet’s users further diversify and grow, with the > 120,000 annual visitors of EMODnet (2024 figures) benefitting from enhanced discovery, visualisation and access to EMODnet’s cross-thematic data and data products, in one place. The diversity of EMODnet’s offer is unparalleled and is a major selling point of EMODnet that keeps users coming back. It is the only EC marine data service delivering such a broad marine environmental data offer, together with information on human activities at sea and management of marine space. The > 300 data layers on the EMODnet Map Viewer and many more datasets in the full catalogue are based on ocean observations collected in situ (in/around the water), converted into Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable (FAIR) data and data products, at pan-European (or wider) scales.
The value of EMODnet is clearly exemplified by the returning users and the > 100 use cases EMODnet has developed with stakeholders. Each one shows the concrete applications of open and FAIR marine environmental and human activities data (see the Portal and further information later in this letter). The progress and achievements of the past years – not least 2024 – leaves no doubt about the value of EMODnet. But did you know the service is underpinned by thousands of data providers, > 600 data aggregators and curators, including National Oceanographic data centres and infrastructures, and > 120 partner organisations? This creates a truly unique expert network and European capability for in situ data management and services that deliver the operational EMODnet service, tirelessly working to source and aggregate primary data, standardise the data according to standards including European INSPIRE and International ISO and OGC standards, and producing the integrated data layers offered to you, as a free and open public service. And let’s not forget that EMODnet experts also create open-source marine data products – from the Bathymetry Digital Terrain Model to the Seabed Habitats EUSeaMap - that save stakeholders time and money, stimulates innovation for societal applications, and are unique marine knowledge assets, open to all. Stay tuned for the latest EMODnet video which showcases the EMODnet value chain, from ocean observation to EMODnet data product, coming out soon!
EMODnet: A Vision to 2035
In 2024, EMODnet took forward the energy and momentum created at the EMODnet Open Conference and Jamboree 2023, together with the Conference EMODnet Call to Action to initiate the development of a EMODnet Vision to 2035. This was driven by the EMODnet community, with the purpose to define a community vision for the service evolution of EMODnet over the next decade. Importantly, the 2035 time-line is specifically designed to span beyond the end of the Mission: Restore our Ocean and Waters, other key EU targets to 2030 and the UN Decade of Ocean Science and Sustainable Development. To coordinate the EMODnet Vision 2035, and ensure the content reflected the vision of the diverse EMODnet community, the EMODnet Secretariat set up an “EMODnet Vision 2035 Drafting Group (EMODnet VDG)” in February 2024, as an informal working group that serves as a platform and forum for strategic and foresight discussions. The VDG includes community representatives across all key EMODnet components, namely the Central Portal and Secretariat, seven thematic groups, data ingestion, sea-basin checkpoints, and Associated Partners. The VDG also welcomed external stakeholders to ensure the vision was developed in direct consultation with key actors in the European and International ocean observation and marine data landscape with which EMODnet already has key partnerships, such as Copernicus Marine Service, EuroGOOS, EuroGeoSurveys, SeaDataNet, ICES, IHO, IODE, and the UN Ocean Decade DCC for Ocean Data Sharing. All members are the result of nominations via EMODnet Coordinators and the EMODnet Steering Committee, and I take the opportunity to thank all VDG members for your service, and for your continued engagement. However, we (the VDG) could not have done this alone. In July 2024 the EMODnet VDG launched the EMODnet Vision 2035 public consultation, which ran for two months until 18 September 2024, with the objective to gather stakeholder feedback on how EMODnet could/should evolve its services over the next decade to 2035. With key inputs from diverse stakeholders the results from the consultation were discussed by the VDG to inform the Vision 2035 developments, noting that all feedback will also be considered by the EMODnet Steering Committee into the future. More about the Vision 2035, including its upcoming launch, later in this letter!
EMODnet: Cross-thematic marine knowledge for Europe and beyond, at your fingertips
In 2024, the >120 partners of EMODnet continued working at thematic and cross-thematic levels to consolidate and maintain the existing marine data offer, which is the most comprehensive and diverse in Europe! EMODnet continued to evolve, with thematics regularly updating and expanding services to increase resolution and extend geographical coverage, whilst expanding the offer to emerging ocean observation parameters, from increasingly diverse sources.
EMODnet’s core mandate is to be the focal point for European ocean observations derived from in situ (in/around water) measurements, from the coast to the open ocean and from the surface to the seafloor. And, with hundreds of marine environmental and human activities parameters now possible to sample, measure and monitor, the shear diversity and complexity of delivering the service and the amount of expertise and staff-time required should not be underestimated. I applaud all partners, EMODnet Coordinators and the EMODnet Central Portal team of VLIZ and the Secretariat for their technical prowess and determination that ensures EMODnet remains at the cutting edge of digital data service developments, and that the unique assets of EMODnet data and data products are ever-more trusted and FAIR. In 2024 the seven diverse EMODnet thematics continued to push the boundaries of open data and innovation in marine data, data products and services, with new and updated being openly accessible and available from the central map viewer, metadata catalogue and/or web services. Let me share with you some highlights:
EMODnet Bathymetry continuously published new integrated datasets of survey bathymetry data, the foundation for EMODnet’s composite Digital Terrain Model (cDTM) which was the most popular and used product in 2024 with thousands of downloads every month. In addition, work continued to produce the consolidated 2024 update of the EMODnet DTM for the European seas and for the Caribbean Region, foreseen to be launched in February 2025 (see the latest offer here). EMODnet’s partnership with Seabed 2030 also continued to strengthen, with EMODnet a key European regional node providing FAIR Bathymetry data into the global offer. Regular data publications throughout the year by EMODnet Biology increased EMODnet’s marine biodiversity data holding by over 1.9 million biodiversity occurrence records, spanning two centuries of observations (1753-2024) including all European seas and functional groups. And, with the ongoing scarcity of in situ biodiversity data for some functional groups it was great to see EMODnet Biology publish an external data product indicating the density of Loggerhead Turtles in the Mediterranean Sea. EMODnet Biology’s key partnerships with EurOBIS, OBIS and other key biodiversity initiatives ensure that users also have access to global marine biodiversity datasets. EMODnet Chemistry developed the first European validated data collection on eutrophication and acidity and new maps for various categories of contaminants. EMODnet Chemistry is a key example of how EMODnet’s pan-European marine data and knowledge offer can support EU Policy. In 2024, dialogue was further strengthened with EC DG MARE, ENV, JRC and EEA to see opportunities to extend these activities to other EMODnet thematics, so that EMODnet can increasingly support the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) and the Maritime Spatial Planning Directive (MSPD). EMODnet Geology performed updates to a number of existing Geology data products. This included updates to the geomorphology, Quaternary and pre-Quaternary geology layers as well as simplification of the user experience thanks to a restructuring of the data and attribute tables. Furthermore, stakeholder feedback was used to update the data product structure of the Submerged Landscapes layer, including the improvement of attribution and layer names. EMODnet Geology also continued to strengthen its partnership with EuroGeoSurveys, and international partnerships with National Geological Surveys in other regions worldwide. EMODnet Human Activities continued to expand its offer of National Maritime Spatial Plans, working in direct cooperation with Member States to publish MSPs in geospatial formats, with EMODnet’s key work highlighted during European MSP Week in Marseille, France, in October 2024. In addition, two brand new EMODnet Human Activities datasets were made available in 2024, among others: Fish quotas by Fishers Management Zone and UNESCO World Heritage Convention Sites. Upgrades to numerous existing datasets (e.g. Dredging, State of bathing waters, Marine finfish, etc.) and data products (Route density maps and Vessel density maps) were also done. EMODnet Physics published a new global climatology layer for salinity and temperature, in addition to in situ wave stations and in situ sea level stations layers. EMODnet Physics is also delivering data from the largest citizen science initiative to-date, as a collaboration with Scuba Schools International (SSI), the German Ocean Foundation (GOF), EMODnet and EC DG MARE – more on this coming in 2025! Finally, EMODnet Seabed Habitat’s broadscale habitat map for Europe (EUSeaMap) continues to be used by thousands of users and increasingly used by the Blue Economy who see the value in EUSeaMap for business operations and innovative applications. The thematic also performed several bulk uploads of datasets including Essential Fish Habitat maps & models and seabed habitat maps, spanning various European marine regions. A Seabed Habitats Story Map was also published, detailing the library of habitat maps and products delivered by this EMODnet thematic.
EMODnet Data Ingestion: Data sharing, simplified!
As a cross-thematic service, EMODnet Data Ingestion is aimed at supporting data collectors and providers that do not have established data flows into EMODnet e.g., private sector and citizen science. During 2024 the total number of data submissions received by EMODnet Data Ingestion increased by almost 300, pushing the total number to 1,806 at the end of 2024. Towards the end of 2024, over 1,600 of these received submissions were published ‘as is’ on and available from the EMODnet Data Ingestion View Submissions service, with dataset submissions ranging from single datasets to large integrated data from publicly funded research, the private sector, civil society and citizen science, among others. And, whilst Nationally funded public research data typically has an established data flow to EMODnet via the National Oceanographic Data Centres (which together form the European SeaDataNet), data from European projects often benefit from more direct guidance. As a result, EMODnet hosted a webinar in February 2024 bringing together European Horizon Europe and Mission: Restore our Ocean and Waters projects and project officers to discuss data sharing tips, and to launch new EMODnet Data Ingestion guidelines. In 2024 EMODnet Data ingestion also continued to work with the EMODnet Central Portal technical team (VLIZ and EMODnet Secretariat) and EC DG MARE, to centralise its service into the EMODnet Portal – an activity that is set to complete by summer 2025.
EMODnet: Ocean observations and marine data by, and for, society
The foundation of EMODnet is ocean observations, and specifically the diverse capability of European in situ ocean observations. These primary data are collected by operational oceanographic platforms e.g., EuroGOOS, Research Infrastructures and wider research and academia, public marine monitoring, hydrographic offices, geological surveys, the private sector and multiple Blue Economy sectors, citizen science, non-governmental organisations, to name a few. Each and every data collection effort provides crucial marine knowledge. So it is vital that we as a society move forwards to sustaining Europe’s capability for in situ ocean observation, together with ensuring the appropriate funding for marine data services like EMODnet, to continue delivering high quality, comprehensive marine data and knowledge for society now, and into the future.
The EMODnet Portal is designed as an operational service, with most stakeholders using EMODnet for professional use. In addition, EMODnet makes sure its data are visible and can be used by citizens and society through its direct partnership with the EC DG MARE European Atlas of the Seas (EU Atlas). In 2024 EMODnet’s expanding number of datasets continued to power the EU Atlas, with EMODnet remaining the main data provider of this important data visualisation and ocean literacy tool which contains more than 270 map layers available in the 24 official EU languages. Newly added in 2024 was the “My Locations” feature, that allows users to customise maps by adding their own location data and sharing it to others. The Atlas team organised an online workshop that allowed teachers to learn how to use the new feature in their classroom. More information on what’s new can be found on the Atlas community on the EC Maritime Forum. New educational material was also added to the Atlas Teachers’ Corner, including a “Blue Economy Challenge” game associated with the European Maritime Day in My Country 2024 map. Finally, the Atlas was presented at many events, making it possible to connect with users, including ocean literacy experts, teachers and young people. Concrete joint activities continued to be organised with the EU4Ocean Coalition. EMODnet will continue to power the European Atlas of the Seas as the EC digital education, information, and communication tool. In 2025, the user-experience will be further developed, including implementation of a new “My Notes” feature that will allow users to annotate maps with text, points, lines and polygons. New map stories will also be added to the Atlas.
EMODnet’s technical developments in a nutshell
The year 2024 marked the launch of a new EMODnet technical blogs series based on user requests to have more updates on the latest EMODnet services, technical developments and achievements. The series – released quarterly, is championed by EMODnet’s Technical Coordinator, Conor Delaney and is intended for wider stakeholders from technical and non-technical backgrounds. We invite your feedback if there are topics you’d like to see in the EMODnet technical blogs in 2025 and beyond!
The launch of the EMODnet unified portal in 2023 included a new common EMODnet Map Viewer that unified the geodata viewer services of all the previous seven EMODnet thematic portals into one. This was a gamechanger for users since the EMODnet Map Viewer makes it easier for users to view and access all of EMODnet’s diverse products in one place by providing a central data Discovery, Visualization and Download service. The EMODnet central Map Viewer is updated regularly, and the updates in 2024 included an update of the projection tool – including projections now available for the Arctic and Antarctic Oceans -also to include further descriptions of the projection options. Find out more about the EMODnet map viewer in the second technical blog that was published mid-2024!
A growing user-base and network, connecting new communities in Europe and globally
EMODnet continues to provide a user-driven service employed by a wide range of stakeholders. The use cases database on the EMODnet Portal are testament to this, to which 10 were added in the course 2024. New on the EMODnet Portal since 2024, is a database of Data Sharing Success Stories compiled by EMODnet Data Ingestion, demonstrating how individuals and organisations have successfully submitted data to EMODnet through the EMODnet Data Ingestion service. In 2024 we were also delighted to welcome five new EMODnet Associated Partners, i.e. Voice of the Ocean, Oceano Vox, Renewables Grid Initiative, savvy navy, and Van Oord. The Scheme is open to all who show sound motivation to use EMODnet and to explore data sharing opportunities.
Are you a stakeholder looking to maximise your use of EMODnet’s open and free marine knowledge to underpin your policy decisions, save costs and drive innovation in your business or organisation? Then check out the EMODnet Associated Partnership Scheme – a free and flexible network offering closer access to EMODnet experts for win-win collaborations.
In 2024, EMODnet organised dedicated events and dialogues with the Blue Economy. In addition to presenting and engaging in industry-led events such as the Geospatial World Forum 2024, EMODnet also organised an online ‘EMODnet for business’ workshop focusing on Ports, Marinas and Boating, providing the opportunity for cross-sectoral dialogue on the EMODnet offer and current uses, data needs and requirements, and data collection efforts by ports, marinas and boating sectors, including how EMODnet can support making their data FAIR. The workshop was attended by over 70 invited experts and a workshop report is available for download via the Reports section of the EMODnet Portal which was promoted at BOOT 2025 (see the EMODnet January 2025 newsletter for more information). Furthermore, for European Maritime Day 2024 EMODnet co-organised a workshop with the EU Blue Economy Observatory and European Environment Agency, and celebrated with EC DG MARE and CINEA 10 years of the European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EMFAF, formerly EMFF). EMODnet also had an exhibition booth, in partnership with Seabed 2030 and the International Hydrographic Offices (IHO) enabling the dialogue on how EMODnet Bathymetry contributes to global seabed mapping initiatives. EMODnet and Copernicus Marine Service also co-organised a booth on the EU Digital Twin Ocean showcasing EU marine data services supporting EU Green priorities.
EMODnet: A key foundation of the European Digital Twin Ocean
EMODnet's partnership with Copernicus Marine Service continued to strengthen in 2024, not least regarding the European Digital Twin Ocean (EDITO). In June 2024 EMODnet experts from the EMODnet Central Portal Technical Team and EDITO-Infra Technical team spanning the Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ), EMODnet Secretariat and Seascape Belgium co-organised with Mercator Ocean International the Digital Ocean Forum (DOF) 2024, a two-day event filled with keynote talks, workshops and networking opportunities. The workshops focused on exploring the capabilities and future developments of the European Digital Twin Ocean (EDITO) platform, co-developed by EMODnet and Copernicus Marine Services with both EC marine data services providing the foundational data lake, on the cloud. The event launched the EDITO prototype, which offers access to the common data lake of EMODnet and Copernicus Marine Service data, connected with world-class modelling capability all on the cloud. This is set to be a game-changer for big data analyses, predictions and scenarios, all powered by data and driving home the continued need for high quality ocean observations and their curation into FAIR marine data and knowledge. This was also a key event for dialogue with European projects and the wider Research and Innovation community to bring these stakeholders up to speed with the latest developments and being them directly into the testing and future co-design of the EDITO platform, including interoperability and creating applications for societal use. Stakeholder engagement is set to ramp up in 2025 as EDITO starts its Phase 2, building up to the DOF 2025.
Keep an eye on our EMODnet News Page on the Central Portal and subscribe to our monthly Newsletter to stay informed about the latest news and events, including EMODnet services, new partnerships and EMODnet’s key role in the European Digital Twin Ocean.
EMODnet in 2025: A wave of opportunity for ocean
2025 is set to be an especially important one for EMODnet. The European Commission’s European Oceans Pact is set to provide a crucial framework to foster a broader, integrated and holistic approach to ocean governance, across all sectors and including both internal and external policies. And EMODnet is recognised as a key EU asset for marine knowledge, with a critical and central role in delivering the data and information that society needs, in as open, free and FAIR ways as possible. EMODnet’s stakeholder response to the important call for evidence will also highlight the need for a sustained marine knowledge value chain, considering the high cost but also high return on investment for in situ ocean observations when they are supported by flagship marine data services like EMODnet to release further value through FAIR data, data products and services that not only bring value back to Member States and Europe, but also concretely contribute to the global ocean data ecosystem, all delivered by world-leading in situ ocean observation and marine data experts.
EMODnet’s Vision 2035 will be launched in Spring 2025 and will highlight EMODnet’s pillars of excellence in FAIR marine data, data products and digital services, EMODnet’s high-value expert network as leaders in best practices in marine data services, early adopters and experts in geospatial data standards (INSPIRE) and metadata standards (ISO) and web service standards (OGS), among others. It will showcase how EMODnet already works closely with the European Ocean Observing System (EOOS) and how EMODnet’s offer serves EU Policy (e.g., European Green Deal) and global policy frameworks (e.g., UN 2030, Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdiction, etc), Research and Innovation, the Blue Economy and society. And, based on existing and emerging user demand, it will deliver Vision targets to 2035 of what EMODnet can achieve as a fully functioning asset, the return on investment and added competitiveness for Europe through the expanded use of EMODnet as a trusted source of marine knowledge, and as an innovative European exemplar to the world. To achieve this, EMODnet will require the appropriate funding to not only consolidate and maintain but to expand in a strategic manner to meet the needs of stakeholders, and to deliver the marine knowledge that is needed, for the climate-neutral Europe and healthy global Ocean that humankind and our Planet deserves.
Join EMODnet’s flagship events in 2025 to innovate marine data, for society!
At the onset of 2025, I would like to call upon you to register for the fourth edition of the EMODnet Open Sea Lab (OSL 4.0) Hackathon, that will take place from 25 to 27 March 2025 as a free, virtual event. This year’s edition will focus on harnessing the power of EMODnet for the European Digital Twin Ocean (EDITO), providing an unparalleled opportunity to ideate and innovate using Europe’s most comprehensive in situ marine data and data products, on the cloud via EDITO.
It will be a year of flagship events, with the Autumn 2025 seeing the fourth edition of the EMODnet Open Conference 2025 and EMODnet being a key co-organiser of the annual Digital Ocean Forum 2025, together with Mercator Ocean International and the European Commission. Dates for these events will be made public as soon as possible. And before that, the large EMOD-network continues to showcase EMODnet and exchange with stakeholders at many other important events, from EMODnet thematic workshops and industry-led events including BOOT 2025 to the European Ocean Days to be held in Brussels this March and European Maritime Day 2025 which this year takes place in Cork, Ireland. And, as EMODnet’s user base and partnerships continues to expand worldwide, EMODnet will have a strong presence at the International Conferences like the upcoming International Ocean Data Conference (IODC) III in Colombia in March 2025 and the UN Ocean Conference 2025 in Nice, France, in June.
Thanks to you all, the EMOD-network and to the wider community, for your active engagement over the past year and in advance for the year(s) to come!
On behalf of the entire Secretariat and wider EMODnet partnership, I wish you all a happy, healthy and ocean-filled 2025 and I personally look forward to engaging with you at the many events and wider opportunities to exchange over the coming year, so that we can maximise the offer and value of marine knowledge, together. And before that, I invite you to visit and see what EMODnet can do for you!
Kate Larkin, Head of the EMODnet Secretariat