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EMODnet Chemistry contribution to IMDIS 2024

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At the latest edition of IMDIS EMODnet Chemistry contributed to the session "Products: Data products, information and knowledge” with the presentation “Broad ranges for quality control of coastal data related to marine eutrophication: the Mediterranean Sea case study”.The study presented by the National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics(OGS) and the Hellenic National Oceanographic Data Centre contributes to the activities related to the validation of environmental data needed to support good environmental status assessment, biodiversity conservation and maritime spatial planning.

The OGS and the Marine Information Service, scientific and technical coordinators of EMODnet Chemistry respectively, led the session “Infrastructure: Marine environmental infrastructures for observation data and data management”. The Consortium participated in this session with two presentations and two posters. 

In particular, the presentation of OGS, i.e. “Marine Litter data management in EMODnet Chemistry: how lessons learned in EU contribute to develop global-scale litter data management”, showed the ever-growing role of EMODnet Chemistry in this field. 

The presentation of the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, i.e."EUROFLEET_data_management_RBINS", included an overview of the collaboration between EMODnet and Eurofleets+ projects.

View the posters entitled:

In the session “Services:Data services and tools in ocean science”, the Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI), one of the historical core partners of EMODnet Chemistry, presented “The data conversion process for the M-VRE webODV” which describes ODV (Ocean Data View) and webODV. ODV is a consolidated software for the analysis and visualisation of oceanographic and georeferenced data and webODV is the online version. These services are extensively used by EMODnet Chemistry and other scientific communities worldwide. The ongoing developments for future applications are presented in the AWI presentation entitled: “A new online app for ocean temperature quality control - an artificial intelligence approach”.