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European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet)

Webinar - EMODnet: A decade of achievements connecting marine data to knowledge

Celebrate 10 years of EMODnet reaching Marine Knowledge 2020 Vision Objectives

by joining us at a virtual gathering on 22 September 2020 14:00-17:00 CEST.


Celebrate 10 years of EMODnet by joining us at a virtual gathering on 22 September 2020 14:00-17:00 CEST. This webinar will be an opportunity to take stock of key EMODnet achievements over the past decade with showcases and testimonials from data providers, users and partners – as a celebration moment. This online event will also set the stage for a forward look at the Open Conference in June 2021 to co-design the next phase of EMODnet.

EMODnet Webinar 2020 programme
(0,5 MB - PDF)



Part 1 

14:00Welcome & IntroductionMaster of Ceremonies
Kate LarkinEMODnet Secretariat
14:05Formal openingChristos Economou, Acting Director of Maritime Policy and Blue EconomyDG MARE 
14:10Before EMODnet, the objectives & its impact on the marine data landscape and the life of its users - A personal perspective
Keynote speaker 
Koen VerbruggenGeological Survey Ireland
14:20Sneak Preview: Video 10 years of EMODnet in 10 minutes
14:30Showcase of the thematic lots & data ingestion with focus on main achievements since 2009 
 The EMODnet vision
Iain ShepherdDG MARE
EMODnet, an evolving network
Jan-Bart CalewaertEMODnet Secretariat
A light-speed run through 10 years of network achievements 
[10 Years EMODnet infographic]
Alessandro Pititto, on behalf of and with input from all thematic coordinatorsCOGEA, EMODnet Human Activities Coordinator
15:10'Short Break 


Part 2

15:20Testimonials from EMODnet Data Providers : what are the benefits and added value    
Patrick GorringeSMHI, EMODnet Physics and EMODnet Ingestion   
IBCM & MediMap: The Early Beginnings of EMODnet
John HallGeological Survey of Israel   
EMODnet & Southern Ocean Observing System 
Pip BricherSOOS   
T-MEDNet data ingestion into EMODnet
Nathaniel BensoussanT-MEDNet   
15:35Achievements and outputs of the EMODnet Sea-basin Checkpoints 
Quillon HarphamHR Wallingford, EMODnet Associated partner    
15:45Panel with representative users : how EMODnet is used and for what purpose     
 Alessio MaglioSINAY - Marine Data Solution [pdf]    
Telmo CarvalhoPortuguese Institute for Sea and Atmosphere (IPMA) [pdf]    
Berthe VastenhoudBerring Data Collective [pdf]    
Aldo DragoPhysical Oceanography Research Group, University of Malta [pdf]    
Anna HermsenThe Netherlands Organisation for applied scientific research (TNO)    
16:25Short Break 5'    
16:30EMODnet for Global    
 The vision of mapping the ocean 
Mathias JonasIHO   
Data Cooperation Between EMODnet & NMDIS 
Wan Fangfang & Gao Zhigang NMDIS   
16:50Forward look to the EMODnet Open Conference in 2021 
Zoi KonstantinouDG MARE    
16:55-17:00Concluding remarksAndreea StrachinescuDG MARE