We are delighted to release EMODnet for Tourism, the final video of a series of eight illustrating the fundamental role of EMODnet in society. This video illustrates how EMODnet can support the EU’s blue tourism sector to develop new, more sustainable activities - and in doing so - create a more ocean aware and ocean literate public.
We are very happy to announce the release of a short EMODnet Open Conference 2021 video. The video recounts some of the main highlights and messages from the Conference that took place between 14-16 June 2021 as a hybrid event in Oostende, Belgium and attracting more than 400 participants online.
The 8th EMB Forum on 1 December 2021, at BluePoint Brussels and online, focused on facilitating the discussion between relevant European Ocean Decade stakeholders, including the science community and policy makers.
On 2 December 2021, the EU research project SeaDataCloud was awarded a 'les Etoiles de l’Europe' recognising its important contribution to the marine data domain by the French minister of Research and Innovation as part of the Horizon Europe Summit.
EMODnet is delighted to announce the Centre for Studies and Expertise on Risks, the Environment, Mobility and Urban Planning (Cerema) and Develogic GmbH subsea systems as new EMODnet Associated Partners. Explore Cerema, Develogic GmbH and all the existing EMODnet Associated Partners on the EMODnet Central Portal.
We are delighted to release EMODnet for Civil Society, the seventh video of a series of eight illustrating the fundamental role of EMODnet in society.
The video sheds light on how civil society organisations can use EMODnet data to support their work, empowering citizens around Europe and beyond to make ocean-wise decisions. EMODnet can also help civil society organisations to share their data more widely, adding value to their work.
Phase IV of the EMODnet Seabed Habitats project commenced in September 2021, and will run for 2 years through to 2023. The project aims to build on the existing data products hosted on the EMODnet Seabed Habitats Map Viewer and expand geographical coverage of the project to the Caspian Sea and selected EU territories in the Caribbean.
EMODnet Seabed Habitats joined the Scientific Conference on Climate Change in the Caspian Sea Region (27-28 October) to present the challenges of delivery of EMODnet Seabed Habitats broad-scale seabed habitat map (EUSeaMap) in the Caspian Sea.
EMODnet Chemistry co-organised the latest UN Ocean Decade Laboratory: A Clean Ocean workshop “One Integrated Marine Debris Observing system for a Clean Ocean” on 17-19 November 2021. And work continues at EU level to further consolidate EMODnet Chemistry's role in providing quality-controlled data to tackle high priority issues relating to marine litter pollution in Europe and beyond. In particular, the recently updated EMODnet Chemistry pan-European beach litter database builds upon previous…
EMODnet Seabed Habitat has published the newest release of the EMODnet broad-scale seabed habitat map for Europe, EUSeaMap 2021, now available in three Europe-wide classification systems (EUNIS habitat classification 2007, EUNIS marine habitat classification 2019 and MSFD Benthic Broad Habitat Types), and two regional classifications (HELCOM Underwater Biotopes in the Baltic and Barcelona Convention habitat types in the Mediterranean).