During the Blue-Cloud Hackathon, from 7 to 9 February 2022, the EutroWarn team decided to use EMODnet Chemistry data to propose the development of early warning systems for possible severe eutrophication events.
The EMOD-network proposed a number of key recommendations for EMODnet, IODE and the global ocean data ecosystem in the context of the UN Ocean Decade.
Recommendations on the direction of IODE in the next decade, from the perspective of the EU long-term marine data service EMODnet, taking into consideration the objectives of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development.
On 14-16 February 2022, EMODnet experts came together with international representatives of ocean data in Sopot, Poland and online to present the latest status, achievements and future evolution of EMODnet at the International Ocean Data Conference 2022 - The Data We Need for the Ocean We Want organized by IOC-UNESCO and the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE), in collaboration with the Institute of Oceanology of Polish Academy of Sciences (IO-PAN), eCUDO.pl and…
Between 14-16 February 2022 EMODnet experts are coming together in Sopot, Poland and online to present the latest status, achievements and future evolution of EMODnet at the “International Ocean Data Conference 2022 - The Data We Need for the Ocean We Want" #IODC Conference organized by IOC-UNESCO and the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE), in collaboration with the Institute of Oceanology of Polish Academy of Sciences (IO-PAN) and eCUDO.pl.
The study “European Research Data Landscape” is an initiative of the Directorate General for Research & Innovation of the European Commission. It aims to provide a detailed characterisation of the research data ecosystem in the European context.
The Knowledge Hub on Sea Level Rise (SLR) is a joint effort by JPI Climate & JPI Oceans, focusing on regional to local sea level changes in Europe. It aims to support the development and implementation of related policies at local, national and European level by providing a networking platform to promote exchange, synthesis, integration and generation of knowledge on SLR.
As we do each year at the beginning of a new calendar year, we invite you to take a moment to reflect with us on the previous year, to collectively consider EMODnet’s main achievements of 2021 and look forward to what the coming year will bring for our growing network of data providing partners, implementers and users. This is a good time to do so as a lot of progress has been made over the past few years and more is on the horizon, as new vision objectives will drive EMODnet to adapt to the…
The River Data database has been updated. +ATLANTIC has completed the work on Norwegian rivers. This database includes historic and near real-time river flow data that are collected from stations located near the river mouths.
Results from the latest data publication and completed deliverables are available: EMODnet Biology has published data from 30 datasets, adding more than 3 million occurrence records to the existing available data.