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European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet)

Project Partners List

Name Acronym Portal Country EDMO
French Research Institute for Exploitation of the Sea Ifremer Bathymetry, Geology, Seabed Habitats, Chemistry, Physics, Data Ingestion FRANCE [EDMO record]
Institute of Oceanology of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences IO BAS Bathymetry, Geology, Seabed Habitats, Chemistry, Data Ingestion BULGARIA [EDMO record]
Hellenic Centre for Marine Research HCMR Bathymetry, Geology, Seabed Habitats, Chemistry, Biology, Data Ingestion GREECE [EDMO record]
Geological Survey of Ireland GSI Bathymetry, Geology, Coastal Mapping IRELAND [EDMO record]
Portuguese Institute of Ocean and Atmosphere IPMA Bathymetry, Geology, Biology PORTUGAL [EDMO record]
Faroese Earth and Energy Directorate Bathymetry, Geology FAROE ISLANDS [EDMO record]
Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale ISPRA Geology, Seabed Habitats, Chemistry, Coastal Mapping ITALY [EDMO record]
Geological Survey of Finland GTK Geology, Data Ingestion FINLAND [EDMO record]
Geological Survey of Sweden SGU Geology SWEDEN [EDMO record]
Geological Survey of Norway NGU Geology NORWAY [EDMO record]
Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland GEUS Geology, Seabed Habitats DENMARK [EDMO record]
Iceland GeoSurvey ISOR Geology ICELAND [EDMO record]
Geological Survey of Estonia EGK Geology ESTONIA [EDMO record]
Latvian Environment, Geology and Meteorology Centre LVGMC Geology LATVIA [EDMO record]
Lithuanian Geological Survey LGT Geology LITHUANIA [EDMO record]
Polish Geological Institute PIG BMG Geology POLAND [EDMO record]
Geological Survey of the Netherlands TNO Geology NETHERLANDS [EDMO record]
Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences RBINS Geology BELGIUM [EDMO record]
Office of Geological and Mining Resources BRGM Geology FRANCE [EDMO record]
Spanish Geological Survey IGME Bathymetry, Geology SPAIN [EDMO record]
Geological Survey of Slovenia GeoZS Geology SLOVENIA [EDMO record]
Geological Survey of Croatia HGI Geology CROATIA [EDMO record]
Geological Survey of Montenegro GEOZAVOD Geology MONTENEGRO [EDMO record]
Albanian Geological Survey AGS Geology ALBANIA [EDMO record]
Institute of Geology and Mineral Exploration IGME Geology GREECE [EDMO record]
National Institute of Marine Geology and Geoecology GeoEcoMar Bathymetry, Geology, Seabed Habitats, Coastal Mapping ROMANIA [EDMO record]
Geological Institute of Romania IGR Geology ROMANIA [EDMO record]
Dokuz Eylul University DEU Geology TURKEY [EDMO record]
Cyprus Geological Survey GSD Geology CYPRUS [EDMO record]
Malta Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure, Continental Shelf Department Geology MALTA [EDMO record]
Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science CEFAS Geology, Biology UNITED KINGDOM [EDMO record]
Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources BGR Geology GERMANY [EDMO record]
State Regional Geological Enterprise PGRGP Geology UKRAINE [EDMO record]
British Geological Survey BGS Bathymetry, Geology, Data Ingestion UNITED KINGDOM [EDMO record]