EMODnet joined the Ocean Predict Symposium 2024 that took place at the UNESCO headquarters in Paris, France from 18-22 November. EMODnet presented a poster focusing on EMODnet Physics data supporting Copernicus Marine Service and Ocean Prediction, and the EMODnet Secretariat joined a roundtable, bringing EMODnet's regional expertise to a panel discussion on the implementation of the UN Ocean Decade's Ocean Digital Ecosystem.
EMODnet Human Activities Coordinator Alessandro Pititto participated in a roundtable on Innovations in Coastal Monitoring and Forecasting for early warning systems that took place in Rimini, Italy on 6 November, part of a series of events organized by the Decade Collaborative Centre for Coastal Resilience during the Ecomondo green technology expo event. EMODnet offers a diverse range of coastal data, from marine environmental to human activities data.
The EMODnet Geology consortium convened in Trondheim, Norway on 4-8 November 2024, hosted by the Geological Survey of Norway. Bringing together around 50 delegates from over 20 organisations, key discussions included updates on recent and ongoing developments to enhance the existing offer of harmonised marine geological data products, which are critical as stand-alone resources, and as input to cross-thematic products e.g., seabed habitat maps. Other interesting topics included the upcoming…
EMODnet Seabed Habitats provides a single access point to European seabed habitat data and unique products like the EUSeaMap broad-scale seabed habitat map for Europe, with diverse uses from produces aiding marine spatial planning to supporting marine habitat assessments. EMODnet has recently updated a storymap which visually illustrates the data and data products available from EMODnet Seabed Habitats on the EMODnet Portal.
On 10 October 2024, EMODnet, Copernicus Marine Service and EUMETSAT delivered the second webinar in the EU Ocean Data Series bringing together experts – including early career ocean professionals - to explore how Earth observation, in situ, and modelled marine data support the UN Ocean Decade initiative.
EMODnet’s Bathymetry Coordinator, Shom, France, EMODnet Human Activities experts and the EMODnet Secretariat were among EMODnet experts at the Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) Week Conference in Marseille, France on 22-24 October, celebrating a decade of EU achievements. Conor Delaney, EMODnet Technical Coordinator spoke on the panel “Data, Innovation, and Harmonisation within MSP” highlighting EMODnet’s key role in shaping European MSP, including making EU Member State MSP plans available in…
At the Ocean Best Practices Workshop VIII, held from October 14-18, 2024, EMODnet and Copernicus Marine Service collaborated to present best practices for enhancing data and service interoperability within the European Digital Twin of the Ocean (EU DTO). During the session on October 16, 2024, EMODnet Biology Coordinator Joana Beja (VLIZ) presented on its conventions used, with wider discussions on critical standards for data integration, focusing on the EDITO-Infra project, which aims to…
Between 7-9 October 2024, EMODnet Coordinators and wider experts convened in Brussels, Belgium for a series of EMODnet governance meetings. The 21st EMODnet Steering Committee (SC) open session was attended by diverse representatives of the EC and EU agencies, including CINEA, EC DG MARE, DEFIS, ENV and RTD. Discussions included EMODnet for EU Policy, the EC Ocean Observation Initiative and the EMODnet Vision 2035. This was followed by the 16th EMODnet Technical Working Group, with…
On 22 October 2024, more than 70 experts gathered for an EMODnet online workshop titled “EMODnet Marine Data for Ports, Marinas, and Boating.” The event was co-designed with key stakeholder networks from these Blue Economy sectors, including the European Boating Industry, TransEurope Marinas and the European Sea Port Organisation, in collaboration with the EC DG MARE and CINEA. DG MARE and the European Blue Economy Observatory provided opening remarks.