On 31 May 2024, EMODnet, the EU Blue Economy Observatory (EU-BEO) and the European Environmental Agency (EEA), co-hosted an engaging workshop titled "Diverse Data Serving EU Policies and the Blue Economy for a Sustainable Future" as part of European Maritime Day (30-31 May 2024) in Svendborg, Denmark.
Two global data networks have agreed to a joint strategy and action plan that will deepen their collaboration, improve the flows and services of high-quality data about marine and coastal biodiversity, and support research and decision-making on the world´s oceans.
This agreement will have positive implications for EMODnet Biology as data curation and management will become more streamlined and we expect a better and strengthened collaboration we have been developing over the years.
EMODnet Geology visited Cotui in the Dominican Republic, on 28-31 May 2023 to meet with the Caribbean Sea geological organizations that collaborate in the development of different thematic geological maps of the seabed in this region.
At the latest edition of IMDIS EMODnet Chemistry contributed to the session "Products: Data products, information and knowledge” with the presentation “Broad ranges for quality control of coastal data related to marine eutrophication: the Mediterranean Sea case study”.The study presented by the National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics(OGS) and the Hellenic National Oceanographic Data Centre contributes to t
On 31 May, the meeting with the EMODnet Chemistry Board of Experts on the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) took place online to showcase webODV: the online version of the Ocean Data View (ODV) software.
On 6 June, EMODnet Chemistry introduced the event "ONE-BLUE: synergies towards the Ocean and Marine Environment Protection" and showcased EMODnet's long-standing experience in managing data on marine pollutants.
On 30th November 2023, an EMODnet Call to Action was launched at the Closing Session of the EMODnet Open Conference 2023. The Call to Action outlined EMODnet’s achievements to-date, emerging areas of development, and the need for an evolution in the governance and funding of EMODnet, to ensure a fully functioning, sustainable EC marine data service.
On 7-8 May EMODnet Chemistry joined a hybrid workshop in Venice (Italy) and online which also brought together experts from ICOS, NOAA and UNESCO to discuss how to manage ocean carbon system data on a global scale. Monitoring and reporting ocean acidification data is an important prerequisite for minimising and combating the effects of ocean acidification, which is one of the targets of Goal 14 "Life Below Water" of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
The EMODnet Geology partner meeting was held at the Geological Survey of Finland (GTK) headquarters in Espoo, Finland, on 14-17 May 2024. About 50 project delegates gathered to discuss EMODnet Geology’s the current activities, which included an exchange with the coordinator of Seabed Habitats to deepen collaboration between the two lots. EMODnet Geology partners also celebrated their long-time Coordinator Henry Vallius, who has excellently led the project for many years, as there will be a…