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European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet)

Project Partners List

Name Sort ascending Acronym Portal Country EDMO
Worldline Company Coastal Mapping FRANCE [EDMO record]
University of Sheffield Biology UNITED KINGDOM [EDMO record]
University of Bremen UBremen Biology GERMANY [EDMO record]
Université de Liège ULiège Chemistry, Biology, Data Ingestion BELGIUM [EDMO record]
Ukrainian scientific center of Ecology of Sea UkrSCES Biology UKRAINE [EDMO record]
Ukrainian Scientific Center of Ecology of Sea UkrSCES Chemistry UKRAINE [EDMO record]
Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Institute UHMI Chemistry UKRAINE [EDMO record]
Teledyne Marine RESON Bathymetry DENMARK [EDMO record]
Task Group for the Extension of the Continental Shelf EMEPC Bathymetry PORTUGAL [EDMO record]
Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute SMHI Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Data Ingestion SWEDEN [EDMO record]
Stockholm University, Department of Geological Sciences IGV Bathymetry SWEDEN [EDMO record]
State Regional Geological Enterprise PGRGP Geology UKRAINE [EDMO record]
Spanish Secretary-General for Fisheries Bathymetry SPAIN [EDMO record]
Spanish Institute of Oceanography IEO-CSIC Bathymetry, Chemistry, Biology, Data Ingestion SPAIN [EDMO record]
Spanish Geological Survey IGME Bathymetry, Geology SPAIN [EDMO record]
Sjöfartsverket – Swedish Maritime Administration SMA Bathymetry, Coastal Mapping SWEDEN [EDMO record]
Service Hydrographique et Océanographique de la Marine SHOM Bathymetry, Coastal Mapping, Data Ingestion FRANCE [EDMO record]
SC Marine Research SRL MR Bathymetry ROMANIA [EDMO record]
Royal Netherlands Navy, Hydrographic Service Bathymetry NETHERLANDS [EDMO record]
Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research NIOZ Bathymetry, Chemistry, Biology, Data Ingestion NETHERLANDS [EDMO record]
Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences RBINS Geology BELGIUM [EDMO record]
Rijkswaterstaat Waterdienst RWS Bathymetry, Coastal Mapping, Data Ingestion NETHERLANDS [EDMO record]
Regione Lazio RL Coastal Mapping ITALY [EDMO record]
Portuguese Institute of Ocean and Atmosphere IPMA Bathymetry, Geology, Biology PORTUGAL [EDMO record]
Portuguese Hydrographic Institute IH Bathymetry, Chemistry, Coastal Mapping, Data Ingestion PORTUGAL [EDMO record]
Polish Geological Institute PIG BMG Geology POLAND [EDMO record]
ORION ORION Chemistry, Data Ingestion CYPRUS [EDMO record]
Office of Geological and Mining Resources BRGM Geology FRANCE [EDMO record]
OceanWise Bathymetry UNITED KINGDOM [EDMO record]
Oceanography Malta Research Group, Department of Geosciences, University of Malta UM Data Ingestion MALTA [EDMO record]
Norwegian Petroleum Directorate NPD Bathymetry NORWAY [EDMO record]
Norwegian Hydrographic Service Bathymetry, Coastal Mapping NORWAY [EDMO record]
National Research Institute For Agriculture, Food And Environment INRAE Biology FRANCE [EDMO record]
National Research Council CNR Chemistry ITALY [EDMO record]
National Oceanography Centre - British Oceanographic Data Centre NOC-BODC Bathymetry, Chemistry, Physics, Data Ingestion UNITED KINGDOM [EDMO record]
National Oceanography Centre NOC Bathymetry UNITED KINGDOM [EDMO record]
National Laboratory of Energy and Geology LNEG Bathymetry PORTUGAL [EDMO record]
National Interuniversity Consortium for Marine Science CONISMA Bathymetry ITALY [EDMO record]
National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics OGS Bathymetry, Chemistry, Biology, Data Ingestion ITALY [EDMO record]
National Institute of Marine Geology and Geoecology GeoEcoMar Bathymetry, Geology, Seabed Habitats, Coastal Mapping ROMANIA [EDMO record]
National Institute of Biology NIB Chemistry, Data Ingestion SLOVENIA [EDMO record]
National Institute for Marine Research and Development "Grigore Antipa" NIMRD Bathymetry, Chemistry, Biology, Data Ingestion ROMANIA [EDMO record]
National Environmental Agency NEA Chemistry GEORGIA [EDMO record]
Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle MNHN Seabed Habitats FRANCE
Maritime Administration of Latvia MAL Bathymetry, Coastal Mapping LATVIA [EDMO record]
Marine Technology Unit CSIC-UTM Bathymetry SPAIN [EDMO record]
Marine Systems Institute TalTech (MSI) Chemistry, Data Ingestion ESTONIA [EDMO record]
Marine Institute MI Seabed Habitats, Chemistry, Data Ingestion IRELAND [EDMO record]
Marine Information Service MARIS Bathymetry, Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Data Ingestion NETHERLANDS [EDMO record]
Marine Geology and Seafloor Surveying group, Department of Geosciences, University of Malta Bathymetry MALTA [EDMO record]
Marine Biological Association MBA Biology UNITED KINGDOM [EDMO record]
Marine and Freshwater Research Institute MFRI Data Ingestion ICELAND [EDMO record]
Malta Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure, Continental Shelf Department Geology MALTA [EDMO record]
Lovell Johns Mapping Company LJ Human Activities UNITED KINGDOM [EDMO record]
Lithuanian Geological Survey LGT Geology LITHUANIA [EDMO record]
Latvian Institute of Aquatic Ecology LHEI Chemistry, Data Ingestion LATVIA [EDMO record]
Latvian Environment, Geology and Meteorology Centre LVGMC Geology LATVIA [EDMO record]
Joint Nature Conservation Committee JNCC Data Ingestion UNITED KINGDOM [EDMO record]
Italian Hydrographic Institute IIM Bathymetry, Coastal Mapping ITALY [EDMO record]
Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale ISPRA Geology, Seabed Habitats, Chemistry, Coastal Mapping ITALY [EDMO record]
Israel Oceanographic and Limnological Research IOLR Bathymetry, Chemistry, Data Ingestion ISRAEL [EDMO record]
International Council for the Exploration of the Sea ICES Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Data Ingestion DENMARK [EDMO record]
Institute of Oceanology of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences IO BAS Bathymetry, Geology, Seabed Habitats, Chemistry, Data Ingestion BULGARIA [EDMO record]
Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries IOF Chemistry, Data Ingestion CROATIA [EDMO record]
Institute of Meteorology and Water Management IMGW Chemistry POLAND [EDMO record]
Institute of Marine Sciences Middle East Technical University IMS METU Chemistry, Data Ingestion TURKEY [EDMO record]
Institute of Marine Sciences ISMAR Bathymetry ITALY [EDMO record]
Institute of Marine Science and Management IU-IMSM Chemistry TURKEY [EDMO record]
Institute of Marine Research IMR Chemistry, Biology, Data Ingestion NORWAY [EDMO record]
Institute of Marine Biology IMBK Chemistry MONTENEGRO [EDMO record]
Institute of Geology and Mineral Exploration IGME Geology GREECE [EDMO record]
Institute for agricultural and fisheries research ILVO Biology BELGIUM [EDMO record]
Iceland GeoSurvey ISOR Geology ICELAND [EDMO record]
Hydrographic Institute of the Navy IHM Bathymetry SPAIN [EDMO record]
Hellenic Navy Hydrographic Service HNHS Coastal Mapping GREECE [EDMO record]
Hellenic Centre for Marine Research HCMR Bathymetry, Geology, Seabed Habitats, Chemistry, Biology, Data Ingestion GREECE [EDMO record]
GRID Arendal GRID Bathymetry NORWAY [EDMO record]
GGS Geo Consultancy GGSGC Bathymetry NETHERLANDS [EDMO record]
Geological Survey of the Netherlands TNO Geology NETHERLANDS [EDMO record]
Geological Survey of Sweden SGU Geology SWEDEN [EDMO record]
Geological Survey of Slovenia GeoZS Geology SLOVENIA [EDMO record]
Geological Survey of Norway NGU Geology NORWAY [EDMO record]
Geological Survey of Montenegro GEOZAVOD Geology MONTENEGRO [EDMO record]
Geological Survey of Israel GSI Bathymetry ISRAEL [EDMO record]
Geological Survey of Ireland GSI Bathymetry, Geology, Coastal Mapping IRELAND [EDMO record]
Geological Survey of Finland GTK Geology, Data Ingestion FINLAND [EDMO record]
Geological Survey of Estonia EGK Geology ESTONIA [EDMO record]
Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland GEUS Geology, Seabed Habitats DENMARK [EDMO record]
Geological Survey of Croatia HGI Geology CROATIA [EDMO record]
Geological Institute of Romania IGR Geology ROMANIA [EDMO record]
Geodetic Institute of Slovenia GIS Bathymetry, Coastal Mapping SLOVENIA [EDMO record]
French Research Institute for Exploitation of the Sea Ifremer Bathymetry, Geology, Seabed Habitats, Chemistry, Physics, Data Ingestion FRANCE [EDMO record]
Flemish Ministry of Mobility and Public Works; Agency for Maritime and Coastal Services; Coastal Division Bathymetry, Coastal Mapping BELGIUM [EDMO record]
Flanders Marine Institute VLIZ Bathymetry, Chemistry, Biology, Data Ingestion, Seabed Habitats BELGIUM [EDMO record]
Finnish Meteorological Institute FMI Chemistry, Data Ingestion FINLAND [EDMO record]
Finnish Environment Institute SYKE Seabed Habitats, Chemistry FINLAND [EDMO record]
Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency BSH Bathymetry, Coastal Mapping, Chemistry GERMANY [EDMO record]
Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources BGR Geology GERMANY [EDMO record]
Faroese Earth and Energy Directorate Bathymetry, Geology FAROE ISLANDS [EDMO record]
Eurofish Eurofish Human Activities DENMARK [EDMO record]
ETT ETT Chemistry, Physics, Data Ingestion ITALY [EDMO record]
EOMAP GmbH & Co KG EOMAP Bathymetry GERMANY [EDMO record]
Dokuz Eylul University DEU Geology TURKEY [EDMO record]
Directorate for Coast and Sea Sustainability. Ministry for Ecological Transition MTE-DGSCM Bathymetry SPAIN [EDMO record]
Deltares Deltares Bathymetry, Biology, Data Ingestion NETHERLANDS [EDMO record]
Danube Delta National Institute DDNI Bathymetry, Coastal Mapping ROMANIA [EDMO record]
Danish Geodata Agency - Danish Hydrographic Office GST Bathymetry DENMARK [EDMO record]
Danish Centre For Environment And Energy AU-DCE Chemistry, Biology, Data Ingestion DENMARK [EDMO record]
Cyprus Geological Survey GSD Geology CYPRUS [EDMO record]
CSIC-ICM/ Institute of Marine Sciences CSIC-ICM Bathymetry, Data Ingestion SPAIN [EDMO record]
Croatian Hydrographic Institute HHI Bathymetry CROATIA [EDMO record]
Coronis Computing SL Coronis Bathymetry SPAIN [EDMO record]
Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions CRPM Coastal Mapping FRANCE [EDMO record]
COGEA COGEA Human Activities, Data Ingestion ITALY [EDMO record]
CNR, Institute of Environmental Geology and Geoengineering (IGAG) CNR-IGAG Bathymetry ITALY [EDMO record]
CNR, Institute of Atmospheric Pollution Research CNR-IIA Data Ingestion ITALY [EDMO record]
Centro Tecnológico del Mar CETMAR Human Activities SPAIN [EDMO record]
Centre for Marine Sciences CCMAR Seabed Habitats PORTUGAL [EDMO record]
Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science CEFAS Geology, Biology UNITED KINGDOM [EDMO record]
Center for Marine Environmental Sciences MARUM Bathymetry GERMANY [EDMO record]
British Geological Survey BGS Bathymetry, Geology, Data Ingestion UNITED KINGDOM [EDMO record]
Belgian Marine Data Centre RBINS-ODNATURE-BMDC Chemistry, Data Ingestion BELGIUM [EDMO record]
Baltic Sea Hydrographic Commission BSHC Bathymetry MONACO [EDMO record]
Balearic Islands Coastal Observing and Forecasting System SOCIB Chemistry SPAIN [EDMO record]
AZTI Tecnalia AZTI Bathymetry, Human Activities SPAIN [EDMO record]
Alfred Wegener Institute AWI Chemistry, Data Ingestion GERMANY [EDMO record]
Albanian Geological Survey AGS Geology ALBANIA [EDMO record]
Agenzia nazionale per le nuove tecnologie, l'energia e lo sviluppo economico sostenibile (National Agency for new Technology, Energy and Sustainable Economy Development) ENEA Data Ingestion ITALY [EDMO record]
A.N.D. International AND Human Activities FRANCE [EDMO record]
52°North Spatial Information Research GmbH 52°North Data Ingestion GERMANY [EDMO record]
Iv.Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Centre of Relations with UNESCO Oceanological Research Centre and GeoDNA (UNESCO) TSU-DNA Chemistry, Data Ingestion GEORGIA [EDMO record]
Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sede di Bologna INGV Chemistry, Data Ingestion ITALY [EDMO record]
Centre for Documentation, Research and Experimentation on Accidental Water Pollution CEDRE Chemistry FRANCE [EDMO record]