European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet)
Use Cases
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Outcomes:Assessors highlighted environmental covariates with the greatest influence on porpoise density distribution models. Resulting distribution maps were then used to propose areas suitable for protection of these marine mammals in Swedish waters.
How EMODnet Seabed Habitats helped the user:EUSeaMap provided some of the data used in the habitat distribution models
Outcomes: Authors were able to quantify the effects of the invasive polychaete Marenzelleria spp on sediment nutrient cycling in the Baltic Sea. The results identified that an overall reduction in the self-cleaning capacity of the basin would create a higher cost to stakeholders to meet international commitments such as the HELCOM Baltic Sea Action Plan and the Marine Strategy Framework Directive.
Outcomes: Authors were able to propose methods for assessing representativity across European MPA's, suggesting the use of biozones and benthic habitats within EUSeaMap as a primary data source. Moreover, assessment habitat classes (revised broad habitats) are proposed based on the crosswalk of MSFD broad habitat types with respect to EMODnet Folk 5 substrate and seabed biological zone classes
Outcomes: Users were able to apply a demonstrator tool able to map the Risks of Cumulative Effects (RCE) of different pressures, using benthic habitats within France as an example.
How EMODnet Seabed Habitats helped the user: Coverage of benthic habitats was sourced for the entire French Exclusive Economic Zone.
Outcomes: The ETC/ICM found Aichi target 11 was met for all European MPAs protecting infralittoral regions, mostly met for MPAs protecting circalittoral and bathyal regions, but were completely missed for MPas protecting abyssal zones.
How EMODnet Seabed Habitats helped the user: Provided the only source of evidence for Distribution of broad habitats and biozone distribution at pan European scale.
Outcomes: Authors were able to create predictive mapping relating to the supporting seabed habitats for inshore wintering waterfowl (IWW) in Scotland. The results identified the location and extent of some prey species and habitats that support the inshore wintering waterfowl, and these will, in turn, inform the management of proposed marine Special Protection Areas (pSPA).
Outcomes: Authors calculated that 70% of Dipolydora habitat and 50% of Melinna habitat was in good ecological status under the Marine Strategy Framework Directive. The assessment provided the baseline for future assessments and could provide ecological information for future maritime spatial plans.
How EMODnet Seabed Habitats helped the user: The survey conducted for this study relied on the availability of habitat and substrate information, which EUSeaMap was able to detail.
Outcomes: Authors were able to map and assess the ecosystem services provided by habitats in the European North Atlantic Ocean, providing a point for further research and discussion on ecosystem services contribution of benthic habitats in Europe.
How EMODnet Seabed Habitats helped the user:EUSeaMap provided a basis of EUNIS classified benthic habitats to fill in the gaps for where seabed habitats in the study area were previously unclassified.
Outcomes: Users were able to apply a marine ecosystem services model to the Lithuanian sea to identify areas where anthropogenic impacts most greatly affected valuable fish provisioning areas and cultural coastal regions. Authors stated the information was particularly useful for regional authorities to apply an ecosystem-based management approach to marine spatial planning.
How EMODnet Seabed Habitats helped the user: EMODnet provided best available and free substrate data for the Lithuanian portion of the Baltic Sea.
Outcomes: The author was able to identify four regions of ecological significance along the Portuguese coast and assess the level of protection offered by Natura 2000 SPAs and SCIs. One of the hotspots was found to be only partially covered by the Natura 2000 sites, suggesting more quantitative-based approaches should be applied to assist management plans in safeguarding local biological value.