Read the latest news on EMODnet.
EMODnet Biology has launched a survey aimed at EU-funded projects working on biodiversity to gather valuable feedback and insights. This information will help the EMODnet Biology consortium plan an online workshop in mid-November. The workshop will provide an overview of EMODnet Biology, the resources available to data providers, and explore how the consortium can support projects in submitting their outputs—particularly data and products for (re)hosting in EMODnet.
Cooperation between EMODnet Data Ingestion and Eurofleets+ for effective data management and open-access data publication
Eurofleets+ is a Horizon 2020 funded initiative aimed at providing open and free-of-charge access to state-of-the-art European research vessels and marine equipment through Transnational Calls. Its objectives include easing access to and management of marine data and enhancing the sustainability of marine research infrastructures.
EMODnet is thrilled to announce and welcome two new Associated Partners to the EMOD-network, namely Van Oord and savvy navvy. Both organisation bring unique expertise and a strong commitment to advancing collaboration with EMODnet in the areas of data sharing, best practices in marine data, information technology and data services, and expanding the users of EMODnet, including for the Blue Economy.
The Human Activities theme now includes two brand-new datasets: "Fish Quotas by Fishery Management Zone" and "UNESCO World Heritage Convention Sites."
Upcoming events
EMODnet Biology survey: Assessment of Data Management Practices in EU-Funded Projects