
Habitats and biotopes

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    Circalittoral faunal turfs are animal-dominated shelf assemblages that are found on hard substrata between the lower limit of the infralittoral zone and the shelf edge. Benthic organisms generally form dense intricate mixes that may include tall alcyonarians, sponges, hydroids, scleractinians and gorgonians, as well as less prominent fauna such as encrusting sponges, bryozoans, ascidians, bivalves, solitary cup corals, serpulid worms and vermetid gastropods.

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    Black corals are antipatharian corals that occur from sublittoral to abyssal depths on hard, mixed and soft substrates. Under favourable conditions, some black coral species form dense stands known as black coral gardens which create habitat for a variety of associated species.

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    Rhodoliths is a general term used to designate non-geniculate coralline red algae (Rhodophyta) that live unattached (Riosmena-Rodríguez, 2017). The term is used here to encompass (i) branched free-living coralline algae devoid of an evident nucleus, but also (ii) nucleated nodules where the biogenic calcium carbonate deposit around the core represents >50%, as well as (iii) “coated grains” where the core is larger than the algal carbonate component.

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    <p>Environmental Niche Model (ENM) outputs for 49 commercial fish species under climate change until the decade of 2060 around northwestern Europe. A model ensemble of 5 ENMs was used (MaxEnt, Generalised Linear Models, Support Vector Machine, Random Forest and BIOCLIM ), and projections were made under three different emission scenarios: A1B, RCP4.5 and RCP 8.5. The data shows model agreement (normalised to 1) for presence/absence decadal projections from 2020 to 2060. Additionally we provide data on model performance, with the Area Under the Curve (AUC) scores of the Receiver Operator Characteristic (ROC) curve for each of the 5 ENMs trained for each combination of fish species and emission scenario. Only ENMs with an AUC score of at least 0.7 were considered.</p>

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    <p>These data are Bayesian Additive Regression Tree model annual predictions for habitat suitability of marine fish species across a range of body sizes and belonging to different feeding guilds from 2010 to 2095 in 5 year intervals in the northeast Atlantic shelf seas. Feeding guilds were allocated based on classifications following Thompson <i>et al</i>. (2020).</p>

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    Data holdings of individual modelled maps of specific habitats. These models have been collated by EMODnet Seabed Habitats partners from a variety of sources. Ownership of the individual models is retained by the original owners, for more information please see the individual metadata record tied to the model, which can be seen in the data layer. Models are available individually through EMODnet Seabed Habitats' "maplibrary" OGC service endpoints: For WMS (view) access to models, please use For WCS (download) access to open models, please use

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    This dataset provides a map of coastal wetlands from the Finnish coastline. The map is produced from the scope and coverage of peatbogs and wetlands (incl. reed beds) datasets provided by Finnish Environment Institute. The data has been prepared to contain only the coastal wetlands and translated to RAMSAR classifications.

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    "Site Condition Monitoring has been (SCM) undertaken to determine whether the status of the special interest features which underpin the designation of habitats or areas are being maintained, and to guide site management action where appropriate. This study aimed to provide additional baseline data against which future changes can be measured to support Natural England’s overall programme of monitoring and surveillance of the sites into the future."

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    This map shows subtidal reef habitats in Kilkieran Bay. MBES bathymetry and its derivatives slope, rugosity and variability, were used in a Random Forest model trained using video sample data to predict high level EUNIS (version 2022) habitats. The MBES bathymetric data were collected as part of the Irish national seabed mapping programme - INFOMAR.

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    The map shows the distribution of nursery areas in the Italian seas in autumn of Aristeus antennatus. Species data, collected during national trawl survey campains in the period 1994-1996, were elaborated using spatial analysis. The distribution maps were included on a CDROM in their native GIS format and also in PDF format. For more information refer to "GD Ardizzone, F Corsi, S Agnesi, 1999 - Atlante delle Risorse Ittiche Demersali Italiane triennio 1994-1996. Ministero per le Politiche Agricole (RM)