ATLAS was a European Horizon 2020 project "A translatlantic assessment and deep-water ecosystem-based spatial management plan for Europe".
This EU ATLAS community page was developed by EMODnet as a central hub for marine and maritime stakeholders to discover ATLAS open resources and to visualize geospatial data (through map layers) through a dedicated online GIS platform.
Ultimately, relevant ATLAS research data was made available via EMODnet using the interoperability protocols specified by the different EMODnet thematic portals. This also included links to the original data, available through open-source data repositories such as Pangaea and EMODnet.
This platform has been a contribution to the wider and longer-term aims of ATLAS to actively contribute to Open Research and Open Data through implementing innovative open science practices.
Read more about the EU ATLAS project at https://www.eu-atlas.org/
Access the ATLAS Geonode to discover, view and download ATLAS and other open source marine data:
This community page was enabled by EMODnet Central Portal and the EMODnet Secretariat (administered by Seascape Belgium), with collaboration across H2020 ATLAS project partners including University of Edinburgh, UK; British Geological Survey (BGS), UK; University of Bremen (UniHB), Germany (Pangaea data repository) and others.
We acknowledge the financial contribution from the European Union for EMODnet (EC, DG MARE) and the H2020 ATLAS project, grant agreement no. 678760 (EC, DG RTD).