Dear EMODnet partners, colleagues and friends, A very Happy New Year to you all! As the Head of the EMODnet Secretariat, it is my pleasure to bring you the EMODnet New Year’s letter, an annual tradition that celebrates the collective achievements of the EMODnet community in 2024 and that looks ahead to EMODnet’s continued evolution and Vision to 2035
The EMODnet Portal has recently been updated with restructured and updated seafloor geology map layers on geomorphology, Quaternary and pre-Quaternary geology. It has also had a major overhaul of the existing submerged landscapes datasets into a new data product structure. These achievements are delivered by EMODnet Geology, now in the final year of the current contract. Check out the latest full offer ofharmonised EMODnet Geology products spanning the deep ocean (abyssal) seafloor to coastal…
How can we increase accessibility to land-sea interface data near river mouths? This was the focus of the meeting chaired by EMODnet and +ATLANTIC CoLAB in Lisbon on 8 November. Portugal was chosen as the venue because the Portuguese Environment Agency is a leader in providing river outflow data to EMODnet. One of EMODnet's most important national oceanographic data centres, the Hydrographic Institute of Portugal, is also located there. EMODnet plays a key role in supporting the…
From 4-8 November 2024, three EMODnet representatives participated in the 41st GEBCO Guiding Committee Meeting and the 6th Nippon Foundation GEBCO Seabed 2030 Pacific Ocean Mapping Meeting, held in Nadi, Fiji. These prestigious events, hosted by the Fiji Navy Hydrographic Office and opened by the Honorable Filimoni Vosarogo, Minister for Lands and Mineral Resources of Fiji, provided a unique platform to showcase EMODnet’s achievements and to explore potential collaborations with stakeholders in…
The recent General Assembly of the EMODnet Chemistry was a good opportunity to present relevant ways in which the project pursues the principles of Open Science (OS). The University of Liège (ULiege) showed how the project implements open science thanks to open source software. Charles Troupin from ULiege referred in particular to EMODnet Chemistry's use of the netCDF format and the NCDatasets.jl package, which is described in a recent EMODnet news article.
Eurofleets+ is a Horizon 2020 funded initiative aimed at providing open and free-of-charge access to state-of-the-art European research vessels and marine equipment through Transnational Calls. Its objectives include easing access to and management of marine data and enhancing the sustainability of marine research infrastructures.
A core service of EMODnet is the creation and publication of integrated European-scale marine data layers and data products spanning the marine environment and human activities. The launch of the EMODnet unified portal (January 2023) was a huge technical achievement, not least because it included a new common EMODnet MapViewer (also known as the GeoViewer) that unified the geodata viewer services of all the previous 7 EMODnet thematic portals into one.
EMODnet teamed up with a number of European services and key stakeholders at EMD2024 held on 30-31 May 2024 in Svendborg, Denmark. EMODnet co-organised a workshop on diverse data for the Blue Economy and EU Policy with the European Blue Economy Observatory and the European Environment Agency (EEA). This included presentations by EMODnet Human Activities and the Secretariat.
On 30th November 2023, an EMODnet Call to Action was launched at the Closing Session of the EMODnet Open Conference 2023. The Call to Action outlined EMODnet’s achievements to-date, emerging areas of development, and the need for an evolution in the governance and funding of EMODnet, to ensure a fully functioning, sustainable EC marine data service.